Face the day

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"Hey" she said walking towards Mila's art shed door. 

Mila turned around and saw Mia standing there, "what is it?" ahs asked turning her back towards Mia once again.

"Just came to check up on you"

"I'm fine," said Mila in the same position 

Mia took it upon herself to come in and take a seat next to her best friend. 


She didn't look at her, only stared at the ground below her. "Lisen I know what happened to you must've been really traumatic" started Mia 

"Do you? Do you have any idea what I've been through ?" said Mila now finally facing her best friend.

"Well, not directly, but -"

"I don't really feel like talking Mia, I'm sorry."

Mia couldn't bring herself to leave, she knew that having Mila in this state was not only detrimental to her, but to Natalia's mental state as well. 

"Look, I know this is probably the last thing you want to talk about, but I need your help." 

Mila looked at Mia in desbelief

"You want me to help you, after I've been freaking kidknapped, and beaten, I somehow can help you"

"Yes" said a confident Mia 

"Nothing changes you, what is it, what do you want."

"It's about Natalia" 

Mila's muscle's tensed up, after what happened she realized she should have never opened the door for Natalia to come back into her life. It not only opened up emotional pain, but now physical and mental as well. 

"I'm sorry I can't help you."

"Mila please, just hear me out."

"I said no! Don't you understand? I was kidknapped, KIDKNAPPED, so no, I don't want to relive any of this, I just want to leave it in the past, and I would appreciate it if you understood that."

Mia considered letting it go, but she knew that if Mila didn't agree to help her Natalia could sabbottage her own safety and even the safety of those around Mark that night. 

"Natalia wants to go back to New York"

"What?" said Mila now interested in what Mia had said 


"Because she wants to avenge you." Mia now looked at Mila straight in the face

"I don't know what I could do" she finally said 

"Talk to her, she feels this is all her fault, and you know I wouldn't be asking you this if I didn't feel it important, I know what this history has brought for you, but you can't let this get in the way of her safety, or yours...or any of ours." 

Mila only stood there, hating that her best friend was right. 

"Come back to the house with me"


"Nat!" called out Mia before she got in to her house "Nat!" she called again but there was no response.

Mila followed Mia out to the house worried that Natalia wasn't responding. 

Mia went into the house and looked all over the house, but she wasn't there. She felt her heart drop in an instant. 

"Hartman, she's not here" she said now panicking

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