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Dragged for what seemed like miles, Mila had lost consciousness. 

She had only recently awoken to a musty smell, followed by the same darkness that had accompanied her during the trip. As she started to regain awareness she realized again she had been kidknapped. Her physiological instincts kicked in speeding up her heart rate, creating sweaty palms and an overwhelming sense of panic. "Stay calm," she whispered to herself. Whatever room she was in was fairly quiet until she heard the shuffling of someone's feet against what she could only assume was concrete. She then realized her hands were tied and wrapped around a pole. "What do you want from me??!!" she yelled moving around frantically while she felt her panic grow. She could hear the foot steps pacing back and forth in a slow stride. "Show yourself you coward!!" she yelled trying to loosen her grasp from the tight rope once again. "Shut up," he finally answered.She was surprised to hear a man with an extremely deep voice, only making her panic that much more. "What do you want from me?!" she yelled again.

This time she could hear the foot steps approaching her, she closed her eyes in fear even though she didn't have any vision. At this moment she could feel the man getting closer, the smell of mustiness was overwhelming but very distinctive, nothing like she had ever smelled before. 

The man slowly went for Mila's blind fold, and slowly took if off. Mila winced at the man approaching her and making contact while he removed the blind. Her fear grew extensively.

Once he removed her blindfold she took a good look at his face, he had a rugged look, a dark but aging beard and mustache. Dark circular piercing eyes, and a disctintive vein that ran across his forehead. "Wh-Who are you?" Mila asked in fear.

The man suddenly began to laugh, loudly.  The sound of it made Mila nervous, it was an unnerving, machiavelical laugh. 

"What's so funny," said Mila in confidence and regretted it as soon as she did because this prompted the man to approach her once again, meeting her inches from her face "Mind your own business."

He then proceeded to walk towards a corner of the room, and just stare at his phone. 

Mila could not feel more nervous than she did right now, but she knew that if she wanted to get out alive, she would have to be hyper aware of every single detail. She looked around the room, it was dark, only a desk lamp lit by where he was sitting, but as far as she could tell it looked like an abandoned building. 

She tried looking for any signs of familiarity, if they were still in her small town, she could find her way out. 


"Okay listen I think we're going to have to ask around first to see if anyone's seen her or if they saw someone suspiscious hanging around," said Mia 

Natalia was still in shock, she had not fully processed that something bad could have possibly happened to her. She could hear people talking but was not fully comprehending. 

Jackie immediately responded, "yes thats a good idea okay," clearly feeling nervous agreeing to anything that might help them find her. 

Henry and Jackie paired up and the two sisters paired to ask the party goers if they had either seen Mila or someone unknown to the area. 

They frantically talked to every single attendee and so far were not getting anywhere. 

Mia and Natalia decided to head out to where Mila was last, according to Jackie, by her truck. 

They looked around the truck and nothing seemed out of place as far as Mia was concerned. She tried searching the area around it until she remembered where should possibly find a clue.

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