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Mila went down by the docks where she had decided to wait, however, she didn't have to wait much given that the person she was waiting for was walking from the opposite end.

"Jackie, hey," said Mila offering her arms in a hug, Jackie gladly accepted the warm embrace. After a quick embrace, they took a seat by the water. 

"What's going on why did you call me?" asked Mila 

"Why didn't you tell me Natalia was in town?" Mila only looked down and took her time to answer.

"Why does it matter?" 

"Does it not?" asked Jackie 

"Why would it? She and I were over six years ago." 

"During the first 6 months of our relationship all you did was talk about her, and even moped occasionally, remember, even though she wasn't here, she was the reason why we couldn't be successful as a couple." 

"I'm sorry about that, I am," said Mila 

"Mila I- still love you, I was going to ask you if you still wanted to give us a try but, if you're still in love with her, then I shouldn't even try," said Jackie putting her head down

"Hey hey," said Mila sweetly putting her hand under Jackie's chin making her look at her in the eyes. 

"Why don't you try your luck?" she said with Jackie's chin still in her hand

"What do you mean?" 

"Ask me." 

After that, the two just stared at each other and kissed. 

In this moment Mila felt she no longer needed to be so bitter, she had Jackie back in her life after she had messed it all those years ago. 


"Babe, I told you we shouldn't have come here so early before the wedding we are just wasting our time here honestly, what else is there to do in this small town," said Ana again wanting to leave back to the city and just watch the wedding via zoom, or not even. 

"You know something Ana I am really tired of your bellyaching okay? I have tried so hard to try and make this play something enjoyable for you but it seems it won't even be that way so just let me enjoy it in peace would you?" said Natalia frustrated by the words she had heard her sister say to her and Ana constantly being on her back for not liking the town. 

"Excuse me? How dare you talk to me like that?" said Ana clearly offended by the words Natalia had said.

"I'm sorry I just, am not feeling too well, and honestly you being here complaining about everything is not helping my situation."

"What situation?" asked Ana

"It's nothing," lied Natalia 

"What is it," said Ana with a much stronger tine this time

Natalia did not say a word

"Fine, don't tell me, but then don't come yelling at me about how communication is the most important thing. 

Truth be told Natalia did not feel like communicating with Ana, not just about this, but at all. Natalia didn't feel Ana was the same person she was when they met. 

"I'm going to go for a walk," said Natalia to Ana 

"Fine, do whatever you want, you already do." 

Natalia didn't respond to the hostility and simply left 

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