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Mila walked past Natalia straight to her best friend that she was so incredibly pissed at right now

"Dude, what the hell?" exclaimed Mila clearly unhappy with her best friend

All Mia could do was look at her without knowing what to say.

"Why didn't you tell me she was coming today?" Mila stood there waiting for an answer staring at her best friend intently.

"Honestly, I knew that if I told you she was coming today that you would try to skip town or avoid her."

"And what if I was?"

"Dude, see that's exactly why I did this, you say you are over what happened but you can't even look at her in the face without wanting to tear up the sky. I did this so you could get  over it once and for all, face your past."

Mila took a second.

"That's not for you to decide," said Mila pissed walking over to the Johnson's house to tell Delia she would be back tomorrow but had to leave. She picked up her tools and packed up her stuff, Natalia was still just standing there, but it looked like she was going to go talk to Delia. Mila put all of her stuff into her old jeep but just for a second, she got the urge to look back, make sure this wasn't a dream she was having, but when she gave in to the urge, something she wished she hadn't, she saw Natalia do the same, they locked eyes just for a second and Mila realized it was definitely not a dream, it was a nightmare. 


Mia returned to Natalias side to see how the encounter had affected her, if at all

"So, Hartman huh," said Mia to try to get the conversation rolling.

Mia and Natalia started walking out to Mia's truck to get ready to go to Betsy's tonight. 

"Yeah, Hartman." Natalia really hadn't processed their interaction mostly because there had been no interaction, Mila only looked at her with a look of shock like she didn't know she was coming. 

"Did she know I was coming?" 

Mia looked at the open road before her

"I mean she knew, she just didn't know it would be, so soon."

"Why didn't you tell her?" asked Natalia 

"Look whatever it is this taboo that you two have, you should work out, because Hartman is going to keep being a part  of special events, she's family, as are you."

Natalia hadn't realized Mila and her sister were so close, I guess time really had changed things. 

"I can't do that if she won't talk to me."

"Well figure out a way to get along at least." 

Mia and Natalia finally arrived at their home 20 minutes before they were supposed to meet the boys at Betsy's. 


Mila sat in her art studio, listening to music and looking through her old work, knowing she would stumble upon a painting of Natalia. When she finally saw it, she looked at it, where had the time gone? What broke their amazing bond? What made her want to suddenly leave and never look back? Mila was so, mad, but in reality, it wasn't anger, it was pain. 

She was taken away from her thoughts when her phone rang, t was Mia

"What do you want?" she answered

"Hey Hartman no need to be an ass okay?"

"You were the ass first."

"What are you in 5th grade?" 

Mila didn't respond to that and just waited for Mia to get her point across

"Anyway, you're still coming to Betsy's tonight right?"

"She's going to be there isn't she."

"Yes, but Jeremy and Robin are your friends too, you need to be there,"

Mila let those words cook a little in her mind before agreeing to go, she was going for the boys, solely for the boys. 

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