Something in the air

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The two sat at the bar not knowing what to say, the air around them growing in tension and awakwardness. 

But there was something Mila needed to know,

"So, are you staying here?" she asked curious to see just how complicated her life would be.

"Looks like it," 

Great, Mila lifted her beer to Natalia as a sign of a toast and chugged the rest of what was in it then nodding her head in approval while she was trying to cope with the fact that Natalia had managed to prance back into her life, after 6 goddam years. 

Natalia could tell Mila was uncomfortable, she might not have seen for 6 years, but she knew her. And knew that she scrunched up her nose when she was uncomfortable, and she had done it about 4 times since she sat down at the bar. That's when she saw Mila put money down for the bartender and stood up.

She started making her way towards the door but not before turning around to look at Natalia 

"Good luck." 


Ana walked down the corridors of her office building approaching her fancy desk just through the two large glass doors, her assistant Ashley coming in right after her with her iced skinny mocca latte no whip in hand. 

"Anything else I can do for you Miss Astor?" 

"No, everything is fine you can go." said Ana shooing assistant away. 

She had stacks of paperwork in her office that she would later give to her assistant to run through but right now she had a very different interest. She was angry at Natalia for kicking her out as if she was an old bag. No one had treated her like that in her life, she was convinced that Mila Hartman had to do with Natalia's decision. Luckily she had friends in high, and low places. 

She very rapidly logged into her desktop and started looking for her contacts in the high and low places.


 "How's Mila doing, you know, with your sister here?" asked Henry laying down with Mia in his arms

"Hm, not good," she said moving her hand up and down his chest

"What's Nat gonna do now?"

"What theres left to do, start over," 

"Hm, speaking of starting over," said Henry

"What exactly are we doing here, are we also, starting over ?" 

Mia slowly lifted the top half of her body away from Henry

"I- We're- listen I just can't--"

"Shh its okay, I get it," said Henry gently grabbing her back down unto his chest to start caressing her hair. 

Mia laid there not nearly as comfortable as she had been, 

what was she doing ? 


Natalia decided to go back home to maybe stare at her computer until an idea would emerge. She figured it was better than moping about her failed relationship. Natalia left the rest of her nachos, left money on the counter and headed out back to the homestead on foot. She looked around at her small town as she walked, growing angry at Ana's words about her hometown and its people, the more she looked around the more she couldn't understand how someone could not fall in love with the beauty and simplicity of the town, and let alone its sweet occupants. 

On the way back to the homestead she passed through the restaurant, the one Jackie worked at, she wasn't going to think about it, leave Mila be. She's happy. That must be nice. 

She walked right past it and kept her route to the homestead, once she made it she walked straight to her laptop sitting on her desk, unused. "Ah, there you are." 

Natalia sat in front of her laptop,

opening up her screen she saw her screensave which she had totally forgotten was a picture of her and Ana smiling hugging each other.

"What a lie," she whispered to herself  immediately switching to a default screen. 

"Okay, what to write?" she sat in front of  a blank microsoft word page with the blinking typing line staring at her. 

"Yeah this won't happen today." She closed her laptopo back down and plopped down on the bed reveling in her failure.

"I'll never be a writer." 

Natalia heard a key opening up her front door and figured her sister was finally home

"Babygirl?" called out Mia

"You mean Miss failure? In here," called out Natalia

Mia walked into Natalias bedroom 

"What are you doing crawled into bed?" 

"Admiting my defeat," she said under her covers

"Jeus Christ," Mia walked right up to Natalia and pulled the covers off of her

"I am so tired of your moping, failure mentality. You were gutsy enough to leave this town at age 18 to a crazy big city to pursue a dream, now you're back home and you're moping? Cut the crap, stop feeling sorry for yourself and do something for a change!" 

All Natalia could do was sit there a nod like a scolded kid.

"Good, now wash these sheets," 

Natalia smiled at her sister and gave her a giant hug

"Thank you."

"You're welcome stinkbug"

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