To great beginnings

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The morning sunshine felt warm and crisp on Natalia's face, it woke her up with a new sense of freshness that she had not felt in a long time. She sat up in her bed staring at the rays coming through her window. 

Lost in thought about the previous night, she realized she needed to do some course correcting inside her own mind, to finally let go of all of it. the guilt she felt, the sadness, the anger, she was decided to leave it all behind and this time, not worry about where Mila was in her process to accept her in her life once again. If she worried about it she would never get there, she was going to allow herself to enjoy the process, all of the ups and downs. Just like her sister said she was going to start by letting the self pitty go, and focusing only on what is ahead. 

This was her chance at a new beginning, granted she was well-aware of the ongoing danger they were all in, but again there was only one way to go, and that was forwards. 

Walking out of her room she stopped by the kitchen to make some coffee, once it was prepared she stepped outside to the small back porch of the cottage. As soon as she set foot on the porch she regretted not having been out there sooner, it was absolutely beautiful, the dingyness of the cottage on the inside was not at all reflective of the view it held out back. A small fireplace stood right in the middle of the grass, tall mountains filled with light snow were visible in the near distance, the sky was blue and clear, with only some rays of sunshine showing. She took a breath, taking it all in, taking a sip of her coffee and smiling to herself. 

She heard light footsteps approaching and turned around to see Mila, standing tall and muscularly lean, perfectly wavy hair, blemishless skin, perfect full lips, she wasn't sure which sight pleasured her most. 

"Beautiful isn't it?" 

Natalia took another good look at her, "Like you wouldn't believe." 

Mila moved past Natalia and started stretching, it looked like she was going to keep up her gym routine, out by the cottage. 

"Do you want to join me, or just stare ?" 

Natalia felt herself burn up with embarrassment, she hoped it wasn't physically noticeable. 

"Um- I should, see Mia." 

Mila let out a small laugh to herself after seeing the flustered Natalia. "As you wish."

Natalia felt her flushed skin not leveling out any time soon, hence she turned around immediately. 


Ana found herself staring at a concrete ceiling, one dingy light hanged loosely, square in the middle, she tried to move, but she couldn't, her wrists hurt, she tried to move her feet, but she was unsuccessful. Now growing anxious and scared she realized she was bound to a chair, she felt woozy, which heightened her fear, knowing her defenses were down. Tears started to fall down her face, now knowing she was in a situation no one would ever want to be in. 

"Good morning," said a vaguely familiar voice growing in proximity. 

She looked in the direction of it, and saw a blurry image of a man she could not place. 

Sitting up straighter in the chair she was confined to, now absolutely panicking frantically trying to shake her body free from the restraints. 

She hears a condescending laugh coming from the other end, "What do you want?" she said in between shaky breaths and welled up tears. 

"Are you an idiot ? Or do you just look like one ?" he said now approaching her closely. 

She examined his face up close, shivering in her own fear. "You-you called me."

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