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Natalia went home that night, running directly to the laptop, excited that finally inspiration had struck.  She opened her laptop to her previously empty word page and let her fingers dance on the keys all by themselves. She couldn't remember the last time she wrote freely, it was as if the old her had never left and was right there writing for the first time. She felt alive.  

She smiled to herself as she wrote, because in that moment, she knew exactly what she wanted her novel to be about. 


Mila went straight to her shed, she looked up  at the empty roof,  she had been saying she needed to work on it, but had put it off until now.   

She decided she would go for the challenging and time consuming task of creating a stained glass ceiling. For this she needed to carve out a huge space in her wood ceiling to install glass to then be able to decorate with small bits of painted glass that are able to last a lifetime. 

She first looked through her supplies to find the glass she needed to decorate that she would later install in place of her current wood ceiling. 

Mila was slightly startled by the sound of someone approaching, due to the magic of the night and the inspiration she was feeling she was hoping it would be the one person who caused the very feeling. 

However when she turned around, that feeling left as soon a she came, when she saw Jackie standing there. 

Mila instantly felt guilty for being disappointed at the fact that the person she saw standing there wasn't Natalia. 

"Hey," said Jackie 

"Hey," replied Mila 

"I just wanted to come and apologize for earlier today, having to leave and all."

Mila's feeling of guilt kept growing as Jackie spoke, knowing she hadn't thought of her  since running into Natalia.

"It's okay, don't worry about it." 

Jackie hesitantly approached Mila "I'll make it up to you, I promise." 

Mila grabbed Jackie's hand "You can start now," Mila grabbed Jackie's waist and pulled her in slowly towards her. She started to lean in once they were close enough to each other until their lips met. 

Mila knew the only reason she was doing this was to mask the feeling of guilt this situation made her feel, she knew she should not be treating Jackie this way, she didn't even know what she wanted. 

She had Jackies lips on hers, 

but Natalia on her mind. 


Natalia couldn't stop her writing, the keys clicking was the most satisfying sound she had ever heard in her entire life. 

Her mind kept going back to Mila, she couldn't help but think about what she felt when they shared that quick but intimate moment. She couldn't help but think to herself there was something there, 

and that she was not the only one feeling it. 

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