What happens now?

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Natalia felt defeated in all sense of the word, she didn't have a career, didn't have a partner, a home, her family, her close friends; she was in the midst of a limbo state. She walked back to the homestead where her sister was passed out on the couch, it was only 6:30 pm. She tried not to make a noise so as to not wake her, walking past her on her way to her bedroom. She looked at the spot where Ana had her things while she was here, on some level Natalia couldn't believe this was happening and for a second wondered if she had made a mistake, Ana did help her and took care of her for years, but in exchange, she had to be treated like a pet no one wanted, reminding her almost of 'smelly cat' from friends but instead of kicking the cat out she took her in, polished and groomed her the way she wanted her to be and as soon as she wanted to be free, that wasn't good enough. Instantly replaceable. She thought about many things, Mila had replaced her for Jackie, her sister basically replaced her for Mila, and Jeremy and Robin were with the other more, she guessed she had caused all of this when she left which she regretted more than anything in the world. All she wanted to do was hop in a time machine and forget this ever happened, she would probably be happily married, getting her grown-ass older sister out of trouble all of the time, the bridesmaid at Jeremy's wedding, being loved in a town with a huge heart. Instead, she dealt with an abusive girlfriend, an absentee sister, and the loss of her best friends. And of course, losing the love of her life was one of the biggest challenges, she didn't know it at the time, but that's where she always needed to be. That night she took a shower and attempted to sleep in her once again, empty bed. 


Mila was still a bit in shock sitting in her art studio on the big bean bag chair on the floor facing the ceiling. She had to do something with that ceiling, paint a mural, put lights, crystals, something. It was too plain for her liking. What she didn't know was what to do about Natalia. She was clearly heartbroken and found it best to come see her rather than say, her sister Mia who could have helped her out probably better than her. It's not that she didn't enjoy seeing Natalia and having her come to her but, she didn't want Natalia in her life anymore, she wanted to be done with the complications, now that Ana was gone she wasn't sure if she was going to stay in town, but she could only assume she would, where else would she go? She thought to herself that she could not let this derail her life, she had just gotten back together with Jackie, the best way to do that was, to stay away from her, both physically and otherwise. The only way she thought she could do that successfully was by tapping into all of her feelings from the past, the abandonment and the betrayal she felt when she left, she had to be angry, she had to get rid of any possibility of Natalia Schmidt crawling back into her life as if she had never left. 

She realized the clock read 9:30 pm, this meant that Jackie was getting out of her shift soon, she decided to head over to the restaurant and wait for her. 

Mila got to the restaurant and was standing in the back waiting for Jackie, all the while feeling guilty about having comforted Natalis, not that it was a bad thing, what was bad was the way it made her feel. She decided she wasn't going to tell Jackie because there was nothing to say, she and Natalia were history, and so were her feelings, the woman she wanted was walking out the back door right now. "Hey," said Mila smiling at Jackie "Hey," she reciprocated with the same smile. The two hugged and talked as they walked back to Jackie's place. "How was your day?" asked Mila "Not bad, good tips, pretty busy for a non traditional day," said Jackie "at least you got good tips that's awesome." Jackie then proceeded to ask Mila how her day had been going, to which Mla responded "better now that you're here." Jackie felt her heart flutter and kissed Mila, which Mila happily responded by kissing her back. They finally made it to Jackie's front door, "I'm really happy you gave me a second chance," said Mila facing Jackie. "I'm really happy you're back in my life," she replied. They held hands and kissed before Mila said her goodbye to Jackie and went back home for the night. 


Morning came and Natalia did not feel like opening an eye, her world was falling apart and she didn't feel like starting over. This was hard to do when her sister came barging into her room to wake up the sleeping beauties, however she was surprised to see Natalia, alone. 

"Morning babygirl, why aren't you up? It's 10:30 am, also where's miss stick up her ass, I mean, miss stuck up," said Mia looking around with the door knob in her hand.  Natalia buried her face under the sheets once again at her sisters' words and rude awakening. 

"Babygirl?" she walked up to the bed and lifted the covers off Natalia's face "what's wrong?" she asked 

"Nothing, go away," said Natalia pulling the sheets from Mia's hands and covering herself once again.  "Oh real mature, what are you five? Get out from under there," said Mia 

"Come on, I'm your sister you can tell me anything,"  said Mia sitting on the edge of Natalia's bed. Natalia took a second getting up from under the covers but she eventually pokes her head out slowly, making her sister tilt her head at her to get a better look. 

"Nat, talk to me," said Mia 

"Ana's gone." 

"What?" said Mia 

"Yeah, I left her and told her to leave." said Natalia. Mia could not believe what she was hearing but honestly was ecstatic. 

"Are you kidding me? that bitch is gone?! Halelujah let's throw a party to celebrate babygirl," said Mia enthusiastically. 

Natalia didn't move from the position on her bed. Mia then realized this must be hard for her and changed her attitude. 

"I'm sorry, are you okay? what happened?"

Natalia took a breath before explaining everything. 

"We just weren't made for one another. She only saw me as cheap company, never wanted me to be a person of my own." Mia looked at her sister with sympathy 

"But Mia, I feel like I screwed up, I don't know what to do, where to go, who I am even," said a sad Natalia. Mia then gave her a reassuring look and said "well I know where you're going so you can cross that off your list, you're staying here, with me, and your town, where you belong." Natalia felt relieved that her sister was offering her their childhood home even after the past. 
"Really? You mean it?" said a hopeful Natalia. "Of course, you're family." Natalia hugged Mia as tight as she could, she didn't want to take this for granted. "But Mia I'm really scared about something," said Natalia. "What is it babygirl?" "What do I do with my career, trying to make it as a writer isn't exactly a steady profession in a small town." Mia gave Natalia a look "why not?" Natalia stayed quiet a  moment then said "because, the closest publishing house is 2 towns over, along with an editor, also making it as a writer is hard, what if I never make it? What am I to do sit at home forever collecting food stamps ?" she said sounding defeated. "Babygirl, you are a talented writer you know this, why are you suddenly doubting yourself? I mean you went to the city to bet on your dream and now you're saying you won't make it." Natalia looked down at the covers "I guess you're right." Mia smiled triumphantly, "Always am." 

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