Self Assured

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Mila slowly opened her heavy eyelids, feeling an aching pain on the side of her face, remembering she had been punched cold and could feel the dry blood that had dripped down the side of her face.  "Shit," she whispered to herself, wincing in pain anytime she moved.  "Morning sunshine," said Mark walking over towards her "fuck you," she replied. "Whoa, big girl words" he chuckled. Truth be told, Mila couldn't be sure if a day had passed or not, she was pretty sure she was either underground or behind a huge mountain. There were no windows, no indications of passing days. "Listen I gotta go get some stuff, dont you think of sneaking out of here," he laughed almost taunting her knowing there was no way she could escape. 

She couldn't see him leave as he left from behind where he had her tied up, she tried to follow him with her line of sight and saw little but heard him open what seemed like a huge door above them which definitely meant this building was underground, at least, this section of it was. 

She started to think again about what abandoned buildings she knew that might have smelled of rubber. 

Smell of rubber, abandoned, then out of nowhere like in a movie the lightbulb above her head went off,  yes! how could she not have thought it before ? Bernie's shoe factory. 

It was the perfect fit, and if she was right about this, she was not too far from the beach. 

She looked and felt around where her hands could reach if there was something she could use to break herself free. She tried to lift herself enough to reach into her backpocket, if she remembered to put her mini knife in there before the party, she had a great chance at an escape. 

As soon as she was finally able to start to reach in her pocket she heard that seemingly massive door open. Mila was startled and stopped what she was doing immediately. 

"What do you want from me?" she asked as soon as she heard his footseps get closer 

"Why are you so annoying with that questions sweetheart?"

"Don't call me that," 

"Look," he said approaching until he was facing her 

"You rather die ? because I can make that happen."

"I rather know what the hell is going on, who is Astor and why are you keeping me here?"

"You are antsy," he said 

"Anyone in my situation would be."

He shrugged his shoulders "fair enough, now if you don't mind I'm going to go back to sitting and of course, to enoy your misery as you die," and laughed once again.

Mila was furious and and now that she knew where she was she started trying to reach into her pocket again. 


"Are we moving in an actual direction?" asked Jackie clealry frustrated with the process they were not making. 

Natalia did not respond to this just kept walking to see if she could either find or remember secluded enough for someone to be hidden.

"Have faith Jackie," said Henry. 

"Okay wait," said Natalia "Wasn't there an abandoned factory when we were kids? Mia there was one we used to go to all the time to play." 

Mia started looking through the files in her childhood memory. 

"Oh my god yes!, I remember."

"Benie's!" they both said in unison.

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