In deep

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"Doc what the hell is this ?" asked Mia "We're not criminals." said Natalia

"No, but I am, and so is she. She hired him Mia, she hired that man who kid knapped your best friend, and your true love," he said gesturing at each of them with his eyes.

Ana was currently tied up with duck tape over her mouth.

"Untie her," came a voice out of nowhere. As everyone turned around, they realized the voice belonged to Mila, coming out from behind the kitchen counter. Everyone looked at her extremely confused at her words. "Untie her now!" she demanded.

Doc went to untie Ana and removed the duck tape from her mouth. "You assholes," she said looking at all of them.

"Shut up," said Mia now angrily approaching her, you are so extremely lucky I don't have the barrel of my gun in your mouth right now."

Ana stayed quiet after the threat, swallowing a lump she didn't know had formed in her throat.

"Will you tell us what the hell is going on ?" asked Natalia to her clearly insane ex girlfriend.

"I told you, a hit man is after me, and you have to help me," she said sounding matter-of factly. Having Natalia in the room comforted her, she new she could never hurt her, nor would she let any of the others try to.

Natalia now took a shot at approaching Ana, eyeing her intensely, Ana felt a bit uneasy under her gaze.

"After you made my life miserable, dragged me through the freaking mud, hired a hit man to kid knap and murder one of the only people that really matter to me, what makes you think I would ever, help you. In fact I am tempted to turn you into the hit man myself so you can get the treatment you deserve."

Ana was surprised at the sudden outburst, she never expected Natalia to say something like that to her, she basically wished her dead.

"Alright we all need to regroup here," said Mia.

"Essentially, this is not our problem," said Doc "We should leave her to her problems, either way I was the one who killed that asshole, none of you have anything to with this entire situation, if anything, let me handle it."

"We can't do that Doc," said Mia

"Why not? I have dealt with way worse than this."

"Because we are all involved," said Mia.

"Then what are we gonna do?" asked Natalia

"We have to turn her in to the authorities," said Mila

"No! Please don't turn me in, he will find me and make sure I am dead for the death of his friend, and I wasn't even the one who did it!" shouted Ana.

At those words Mia decided she had had enough, "You are the only guilty one in this room, because of you we are here, hiding in this cottage, because of you my sister was in hell, because of you my best friend was kid knapped and almost murdered. If it were up to me, you'd end up in the exact same place your friend did."

Ana at this time had it very clear what she had done, even if she had been trying to dismiss it earlier, however that did not deter her from asking for help, now she was feeling what it was like, to actually fight for your life.

"We have to do something we can't just have her here," said Doc.

"I'll call Nedley," said Mia. 

"No, please don't I beg-"

That was when everyone turned around to see a wounded Ana on the floor, and Mila's fist coming back to her side. 

The room becoming dead silent, everyone staring in shock as Ana groaned in pain from where she had been impacted in the face. 


Mila sat in the small cottage room opening and closing her hand as it ached from when she struck Ana, mentally punching herself for having shown the weakness of resorting to violence.

"Are you okay?" entered her best friend.

"Fine," she said looking at her bruised hand.

"When is this shit sow going to be over ?" she said more to herself than to the other person in the room.

"It's already over, we called Nedley, and he's on his way to come arrest her."

Mila didn't say anything at that, because she knew, deep in her heart, this would never be over. 

"I'm surprised she hasn't tried to leave or scheme up a plan to leave."

"Doc's watching her"

"Mm" she said in a non comforted way. "Can you please stop looking at me with pitty ?" 

"I'm not"

"You are,"  "You're looking at me like a person who has been through a lot and will always have this burden to carry, and you know what pisses me off the most ? that it's true, again. Again I will be seen as someone who has a tragic story and I'll probably be the person everyone wants a comeback from, and I am just tired of this image, I'm tired of most of it coming from your sister, I'm just, tired."  The words did not come out as venom as was common for her, but rather from a standpoint of defeat. 

Sooner than expected, there was a knock on the door, Mila and Mia got up to tend to the sound. It was finally the person they wanted to see walk through that door, Sheriff Nedley. 

"Did you fly here ?" asked a typically sarcastic Mia. 

Nedley ignored the comment and turned to look at the little lady he almost didn't recognize sitting on the couch, being watched tentatively by Doc Holliday. 

"Finally we meet," says Nedley while motioning for her to get up from her seat with one hand and taking out the handcuffs from his belt with the other.  Ana started resisting immediately, not wanting to turn herself in so easily.    

Everyone watched silently as Ana was being handcuffed and escorted out of the small cottage. The silence and tension in the air was palpable, especially for Mila, everything around her was happening in slow motion. As Ana walked past her, they both slowly turned their hands, taking a quick glance at the other's side profile. Mila was seeing her walk past her as if it were a scene from a movie, a blurry image getting clearer as Ana walked. She didn't dare to look away, as much as she wanted to and as much as she hated the thought of sharing space with the person responsible for this trauma, she refused to give her the pleasure of knowing this event had any kind of an effect on her, not today, not anytime soon.

Nedley and Ana got to the doorway of the small cottage, before taking the next step out the door Nedley turned around slowly still holding Ana's handcuffed arms with his right hand and muttered the words, "I'm sorry," looking directly into not Mila's eyes, but Natalia's. 

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