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Natalia made it back home to find her sister Mia in the kitchen waiting for her

"I told you not to go down there," said Mia handing Natalia a cup of tea. All Natalia could do was beat herself up for thinking going to Ricks to apologize was a good idea. 

"Babygirl you can't just come back into town and expect Mila to be receptive to you," said Mia. "I know but I was just trying to be nice," said Natalia taking a sip of her tea. "I get that babes but I think it's best to give Mila her space, for now," said Mia taking a sip of tea. The two then sat in silence for a moment, just focusing on sipping their teas. "Well, I'm going to go check on Ana, see how she's doing after all of that." "Be my guest," said Mia. Natalia finished her tea and headed to her old bedroom where Ana was consumed by her laptop. "Ana," said Natalia trying to get her attention. "Hm?" she said not looking up from her laptop. "Can you put down the laptop for a second?" she said half irritated. "What is it?" said Ana peeking her head out the side. "I just wanted to talk to you, like what did you think of my friends?" asked Natalia. "They were fine I guess, the boys were over joyful, but  I rather that than rude like that one girl ugh, she's not only hideous on the outside but on the inside too." Natalia grew upset at her words and decided to call it a night. "You know what let's just get some sleep." Natalia tried sleeping next to this person who she was starting not to recognize, maybe being back in her old town was getting her to see things from the outside, getting her to see things she otherwise would not have seen. 


Natalia opened her eyes slowly at the sound of roosters singing and the sunshine creeping in through her window shades. She looked over to her side and saw Ana completely passed out most likely from spending all night with her laptop. Natalia remembered what it was like to wake up in her small town, beautiful sunrises, birds chirping, trees were strong and beautiful, it was peaceful. She decided that's what she wanted this morning. She put on comfy sweats and a t-shirt and decided to head out for a beautiful morning. Ana would probably still be asleep by the time she got back, not like she would care anyways. As natalia was headed past the kitchen to the front door she saw her sister Mia with a cup of coffee in hand, "where you going so early?" she asked sipping her coffee. "Just on a walk," answered Natalia "What are you doing early, you never wake up early." She had never seen her sister wake up so early in her whole life. "Hartman got me into it, we just got back from the gym." Natalia couldn't believe it. "Wow, good for you then." "Yup, on your walk, you might want to avoid the Johnson's house, Hartman will be there working on their new fence." Natalia heard those words and felt instant panic and quite possibly an opportunity. "Noted." she said. "I'm serious Natalia, that's not what she needs right now." Natalia then thought about all Mia had said to her last night, and figured she would best avoid the Johnson's house. Natalia only nodded her sisters way and walked out the front door for her morning walk. 

The scenery outside was just like she remembered it to be, beautiful sun, unreal white clouds, tall trees and her beloved people. 

She decided to head to the town for her own cup of coffee and possibly a breakfast croissant from her favorite street vendor, Charlie. 

"Charlie, how about a cup of coffee and a breakfast croissant?"

Charlie looked to see who was using the same voice as his Natalia, and when he turned around he could not believe it was Natalia, the real living breathing Natalia. 

"Hey!" he ran over to her and gave her a hug, "where have you been sweetie? We've missed you around here, people kept saying you were here but I thought they were pulling my strings." 

"Nope, it's true, I'm here." "I can see that, how have you been, let me get you your coffee and croissant." Charlie cooked up her order while she explained to him what she has been up to, the fancy penthouse, the job as a novelist and her new girlfriend. 

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