I know, we know

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The sister's stood there with their nerves still on edge, no matter who was on the receiving end of the door opening, Mia wondered who else could've had the key to the cottage, she thought as fast as she could in her state of panic, in .2 seconds she was going through an archive of names that could possibly had access to such a secluded location. However in her mind there was only one answer, Ana.

"How did you know where to find us?"

Natalia spoke, almost in a forced manner since a lump of anxiety had now formed in her throat.

"I talked to Nedley,"

There was a long pause on Natalia's end, not believing her eyes as this person spoke.

That's when her sister suddenly sprung into action,

"Of course you did you perfect piece of human being" she said immediately springing into their arms.

Natalia simply stood there looking at their embrace, her state of shock not having any words to say.

After the embrace Mia then realized the situation and looked at Natalia right away, "I'll give you two some space."

Mia walked back down the direction of the rooms leaving the two alone with nothing but awkward silence and space.



"I know I'm probably not your favorite person right now..."

Natalia looked up from her glance at the floor where it had been the majority of the time. Mila Hartman, her sister was right, she was the most perfect human being she's ever seen in her whole life. Standing there tall, with medium length dark brown hair, porcelain skin all the way up to her facial scar. In fact, even more so with her scar, knowing that she had basically been bruised and beaten all because of her and here she was, right now, standing in front of her after all the crap she put her through for so long. Mila Hartman was indeed, the most perfect human, in the entire world.

Staring at her for what felt like ages, Natalia finally managed to reply to her prior statement.

"I should be saying that to you..."

Mila knew she should have frowned at that, but the way Natalia had said it only made her smile, one she tried to hide as soon as it arose.

"Well if you're wondering if I hate you, I don't. Now if my scar doesn't heal will I blame my health care professional? Maybe." said Mla with a smile creeping on her lips.

Natalia immediately giggled at her words, "Do you want to take a seat?" asked Natalia.

"Sure" said Mila, following Natalia to the couch.

Natalia, suddenly nervous, asked Mila if she wanted a cup of water to which she agreed. As Natalia went to grab the cup of water, inevitable questions started to arise in her thoughts. She wanted to know what made Mila change her mind, what exactly had occurred while she was kidnapped, she wanted to know how she was, how she really was, not the front she was putting up for the world. Then she thought it was not her place, or maybe because of everything, it was uniquely her place.

After successfully pouring the water for her, she brought the glass cup over to Mila.

"Thank you," Mila answered

Natalia was unsure of where to sit, she didn't want to be too close to her in proximity, she wasn't sure how comfortable she was with her, last she'd heard her say how she didn't want to hide out with her, something Natalia completely understood.

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