A new day

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Mila was already up exercising and getting ready for her day of work, making coffee at the house before heading out with Rick. Pamela walked out of her bedroom and saw Mila pouring herself a cup of coffee. "Don't tell me you're going into work today" said Pamela "Why wouldn't I?" replied Mila.

"Because hun you have a scar that runs about half of your face and is clearly not healed yet" she said examining it further.

"I'll be fine, just want to work."

Pamela gave her one last worried look to which Mila responded "I'll be alright, really. Don't worry about me Pam." She layed a comforting hand on Pamela's shoulder, before setting her coffee down to look for Rick. 

He was out in front of the house loading up the truck

"Morning Rick" 

"Morning kid, whoa what happened to ya?" he said taking a look at her face

"Don't worry about it, it was nothing."

"That don't look like nothing to me. Who did that to you?"

"Doesn't matter, I just wanna focus on work okay?"

"You got it."


Natalia woke up to the sun shining between the blinds hitting her face. She looked to her left side and her sister was there next to her.

Honestly she felt as if a truck had driven over her head, she wished yesterday was just a bad dream, but then remembered all the events that took place. 

She was in incredible shock, she knew Ana wasn't a nice person, but she could have never imagined that she was capable of such a thing. Natalia knew she couldn't leave this the way it was, she had to do something, but what. Traveling over to Ana could be extremely dangerous, who knows what else she has plotted. On the other hand, having her travel here could put Mila and others in danger, as opposed to just herself. 

Natalia got up from her bed, walked over to her desk and opened her laptop. She started looking for plane tickets back to the city, she wasn't quite sure what she was planning on doing, but doing nothing was not an option.

"What are you doing?" said Mia looking at her sisters' laptop. Natalia shut her laptop quickly 

"Were those plane tickets ?" she said her voice raising a tone once she realized "wait you're not planning on going to see her are you?" 

Natalia stayed silent "You can't" said Mia 

"I have to," said Natalia

"Nat this isn't you fault" said Mia

"It is Mia! It is, had it not been for me this would have never happened, I put Mila's life in danger, me!" Natalia then broke down into tears, Mia instantly engulfed her sister in a hug.

"It's not your fault. There was no way you could've known that she was capable of something like this" said Mia holding Natlia in her arms. 

"I don't know what to do Mia, I feel guilty for all of this, I- I have to do something" she said in between sobs. 

"You don't have to do anything babygirl, it's over, he's dead and she's away, it's over."


Mila put the finishing touch on the Johnson's new kitchen.  She was extremely satisfied with the work her and Rick had done. 

"Good job kid" said Rick giving Mila  a pat on the shoulder. She nodded in approval of his compliment. 

"Now. You gonna tell me what happened to that side of your face?" he said leaning against the truck bed. 

"I don't wanna talk about it, if you don't mind" she said crossing her arms in front her chest 

"That means that it wasn't some stupid fight at the party like Pam said right?" he said squinting from the sunlight rays and then turning his head to look at Mila.

Mila didn't look back at him, only took a noticeable breath


Rick could see Mila was uneasy, her stance was tense, and hadn't looked at him directly. 

"Look kid whatever it was that happened to ya, you need to confide in someone, doesn't mean it has to be me or even Pam. But someone." 

He left to start up the truck, while Mila stayed in her spot for just a little longer.

"You comin kid?" called Rick from the drivers seat.


Putting her hand on the bathroom doorknob seemed like such an easy task, yet her hand shook, noticing for the first time the scar she had on her wrist and hand form battling with the rope. 

She closed her eyes and felt the blindfold on her again, sitting again in that musty basement, alone with a dangerous man, her heart started palpitating just as hard, sweat now rushing through her palms and neck.

"Honey?" Mila gasped and opened her eyes, now crying from the overwhelming feeling. "Oh, come here," said Pamela now hugging the girl who was a daughter to her. Mila only sobbed into Pamela's shoulder. 

"What's wrong love" said Pamela still comforting her daughter. 

Mila only hugged her harder, before separating herself from Pamela "I'm okay Pam, just going to take a shower" she said wiping the tears from her face. 

Pam only sighed slightly in defeat "Okay but, if you need someone to talk to, I'm here" she said giving her shoulder a last reassuring squeeze. 


"Look babygirl that chic is clearly nuts, but you don't have to do anything else on your end. She won't be back, no one else will be." 

"How can you be so sure? She already sent out one hitman to kill Mila, once she finds out he wasn't succesful, she'll be back Mia. She was crazy enough to do this in the first place. I'm going."

Listening to her sisters' words, Mia knew exactly who she needed to talk to. 


Jackie could not eat, she couldn't sleep, when did she become part of this nightmare? 

"Jacks?" said her sister coming in. "You wanna talk about what happened?" 

Jackie took a simple breath "I don't know when I got involved in all of this Ange. All I wanted was to be happy, with Mila. But turns out that her ex girlfriends' ex is totally insane!" 

Angie sat by the bed next to her sister "what happened Jacks?"

"Mila was kidknapped, by a man who was allegadly working for Natalia's crazy ex girlfriend, he, he had her tied up Ange, she was tied up, a nasty scar on the side of her face, sweaty and dirty. I can't even imagine what she went through." 

Ange got closer to her sister "why don't you talk to her?" 

Jackie then looked sadly at the ground "I don't think it's me she wasnt comforting her."

"Why would you say that?"

At that moment, Jackie remembered the embrace and relief Mila and Natalia had shared once they had seen each other.


Ange looked at her sister without knowing what she was referring to. 

But Jackie was afraid to say it out loud, because if she did, it would become real in her heart.

"Because she's in love with Natalia."

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