Small Town, big hearts

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"Welcome home babygirl," Natalia stuck her head out the window taking in the familiar sights and smells of her hometown, she admits, she missed it. "Feels good to be back Mia." They pulled into the driveway of their childhood home, the famous Schmidt house, where Willie Schmidt was an abuser of a husband and father, where the oldest sister left to run after a hit-man, and then there were three, the middle child Mia and the youngest Schmidt, Natalia, the towns one true hope at a model citizen. Mia was nice but she certainly wasn't a model citizen, she was in constant trouble, multiple run-ins with the law, but they were all minor, and done when she was a teenager. Natalia hopped off the truck and admired her childhood home, she immediately took in the familiar smell of the old wood and how the kitchen always smelled like coffee. "Wow everything is exactly the way I remember it," said Natalia out loud looking at all of the ins and outs of her own home. "Right well your room should be good for you guys to stay in, we haven't changed it at all," said Mia. Natalia walked into her old bedroom and was instantly hit with all kinds of memories, hiding from her dad when he was drunk, the endless talks with Mia, the confusion she first felt when she thought of a girl in a different way, the kisses she had shared with a certain someone, the laughs, the cuddles, the endless midnight talks about life, the day she left a letter on her bed and left without a trace. "This is where you used to live?" asked Ana looking around unimpressed. "Yeah do you like it?" asked Natalia "It's.. something, aren't you glad you live in a penthouse now?" Natalia didn't respond to that, all she wanted to do was take in the feelings of being back home. Mia walked into Natalias room, "Wanna see Jeremy babygirl?" Natalias eyes widened, "Jeremy! Of course I want to see him, where is he?" she said enthusiastically  "well we are all going to meet at Betsy's for wedding planning and drinks." Natalia loved planning, she was someone who was well organized and took a lot of joy in it. "Come on Babygirl, Betsy and the boys wait for us."


Mila had made it to the Johnson's to continue her work on their fence and start their work on the new kitchen.

"Mila honey did you want some lemonade?" asked Mrs. Johnson

"I would love some Mrs. Johnson." 

"Oh please call me Delia we've talked about this," said Mrs. Johnson in a sweetheart's voice.

"Thank you, Delia." 

Mila immediately got to work on tearing down her old kitchen and started installing the new counters, Rick was at home with Pamela, she was sick so she decided to come alone to get a head start on the new kitchen and finish up the fence from yesterday. It was a heavy duty job to do herself, but she needed to occupy her mind now more than ever.


"So how is everyone, how are the Shays?" Asked Natalia wanting to go out on the neighborhood to see how everyone has been

"Come on babygirl, lets head back to the truck so you can see everyone back in town." 

Natalia got excited, slash scared at those words, everyone?   Natalia couldn't help the nerves that would arise when she thought about seeing her, the turmoil that she must have caused by leaving is one she definitely did not want to face. 

Natalia and Mia got into the truck as Ana decided she had seen enough of the town for one, she told she would meet them in the evening for the drinks Mia was talking about earlier. 

"So, what do you think about Ana?" asked Natalia to her older sister

"Um, she's, charming?" 

"Come on, just give her a chance, you caught her all tired from the flight and she's not really used to small towns, she's more of a big city girl."

"If you say so babygirl, I don't know she honestly doesn't seem like the type of person you would be into, but I guess things really have changed."  Natalia thought about her sisters words, had she changed that much? She hadn't sat down to think about it, granted in a big city there is barely anywhere to hear yourself think, let alone time to think. 

They pulled up into their favorite childhood neighborhood, where the shays, the Mcgurbs, and the silvermwans lived. Natalia and Mia got out of the truck and knocked on the Shays door, Natalia waiting anxiously, when Carla Shay opens the door. "Natalia? Natlia Schmidt?" she said in shock "Hey Carla" expressed natalia. "Oh my gosh you better come in here right now" said Carla opening her arms offering her a hug. Natalia felt so happy to see her old neighbor and childhood friend, "I'm so happy to see you," said Carla "How have you been, tell me everything," "Well that could take a while," replied Natalia. 


"Okay Mrs. Johnson, I'm going to get started on your fence now," said Mila after putting up the first set of counter tops in the Johnson's kitchen 

"Oh hun you don't have to do that today, you've already worked so hard," said Mtrs. Johnson

"Don't you worry about a thing Mrs. Johnson, I'll just finish it up and be done for the day." 

"You work too hard Mila, remind me to have a talk with Rick about you raise." she said with a sweet smile 

"I do it for the pleasure ma'am."  Mrs. Johnson nodded and smiled at Mila as she walked outside the finish the rest of the fence, she got her sanding equipment to finally be able to paint the fence.  

Mila got to work on sanding the fence, taking out all of the pricks and tough surfaces of the wood until she heard a truck pass by, she recognized it was Mia's truck and didn't pay it any further attention and just went back to working on her fence.


Shit, she didn't know Mila would be working on the Johnson's fence, she tried to park far away enough for Natalia not to see Mila working there, but it was too late. 

Natalia was riding in the truck with Mia until she saw someone working on a fence in the Johnson's front yard. Mia stopped the truck a block away from where this person was working to get a look at the next neighborhood Natalia has been missing out on for 6 years. 

Natalia got down from the truck and she couldn't help her curiosity as to who was behind the fence that was working on it, she thought they looked familiar. "Hey Mia, I'll be right there, I haven't said hello to Delia." But of course that's not why she wanted to go. Mia was regretting not telling Mila right about now. 

Natalia walked closer to the Johnson's yard to see who was working on it and once they got up to grab the paint tools, she saw her. Tall, mid length wavy black hair, muscle shirt that showed off toned arms, folded cuffed jeans with some dirty converse on her feet. The person she had been so afraid to see ever since she knew she would be returning, Mila. 

Mila saw there was a person approaching the Johnson's yard, she didn't really care who so she went to grab her painting materials until she saw her, the girl who had given her the most life she's ever known, and the one who took it all away. Took her hugs, kisses, love, to a strange land, for 6 years, and now she was back. She was so mad, yet all she think about was, dam, she looked beautiful, long wavy brown hair with highlights, mom cut jeans with sneakers as white as her complexion, and a tight white shirt. But wait, what is she doing here? the wedding isn't for another month? What made her come early? 

Both of the women were caught like a deer in headlights, until Mia showed up to ease the tension. 

"Hey Hartman," 

"Schmidt," she said in between tight teeth, mad knowing she knew Natalia would be here today and didn't warn her. 

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