Chapter 16

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8:30 PM

Me and Scott just had sex on his dinner table, the same dinner table i'm writing on. This is so fucking crazy. I'm in love with my English teacher and we're dating in secret. Imagine me saying that a year ago? Mr. Adams is so hot, freaky and sweet. He has sex with me almost every day if i'm able to get out the house. Nobody knows and that makes it extra sexy. Well, it's extremely important no one ever finds out. He could lose his job and possibly go to jail, even tho i'm 18 years old, it's legal but my parents will never approve of me dating a 25 year old man and not just dating... having sex too.

Julia knows that i'm seeing someone and i thought about telling her about Scott but i just can't. The only person who knows is Hailey, Scotts ex girlfriend but she doesn't know me, she doesn't know my name or my real age.

I'm crazy in love and he's crazy in love too.

I can't believe i'm dating one of my teachers.

''What are you doing?'' Scott asks me, kissing my shoulder. ''Wait.'' He grabs my journal. ''Why are you writing about us?'' He asks, looking at me.

''Uh, this is just so crazy, I had to at least write it down since I can't tell anyone.'' I reply.

''Are you gonna throw this away? You can't keep it. What if someone finds it?'' He puts the journal down and is prepared to rip the page out.

''Scott!'' I reach for the journal, grab it from underneath his hands and close it. Throwing it on his couch. ''I'll throw it away myself, will you trust me?'' I say.

''Thalia, you can't just, what if-'' He begins.

''What if? What if?'' I cut him off. ''Nobody will find it, you can just trust me instead of jumping to conclusions.'' I say, annoyed. ''I'm going to take a shower.''

''Thalia, let me come with you.'' He says, gently grabbing my arm.

''No. I wanna be alone.'' I say.

I walk into his bathroom and lock the door behind me.

I take off my bra and underwear I put on after we had sex and step underneath the hot shower.

I wonder what my mom might do, when she finds out I'm dating one of my teachers...

''YOU'RE DATING YOUR TEACHER? I don't ever wanna see you again. Grab your stuff and get out of my house. NOW!''


The shower curtain is open and I just know Scott is standing there, naked.

I open my eyes, I don't turn around.

''Leave me alone Scott. You don't trust me, I got it.''

''Thalia.. come on.''

He gently puts his hands on my hips and presses a kiss on my wet shoulder.

''I do trust you, I'm just scared. Of course you can keep the pages in your journal. I trust you that no one will ever see them.'' He says.

I turn around and the warm water hits the back of my head.

''Do you really trust me?'' I say, throwing my arms around his neck, leaning my head on his chest.

''With my life.'' He says back.

With my life.

''I've been thinking about what my parents might do if they ever find out.. that I'm dating you.'' I say, still leaning my head on his chest.

''I'm sure it'll all be fine but they'll never find out.'' He replies.

I look up at him and he gently kisses me.

''I love you Thalia.'' He says, leaning his forehead on mine.

''I love you Scott.'' I say back. ''I'm sorry that I freaked out earlier.''

''That's okay, I'm sorry too.'' He says.

I kiss him again, we shower and he washes me so gently.

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