Chapter 26

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''Good morning my sexy woman.'' He whispers, stroking the hair out of my face. 

''Hey- Why the fuck are you still here?'' I'm awake within a second. 

''You fell asleep last night and I just couldn't get myself to leave, you looked so peaceful and beautiful.'' 

''Scott. You can't stay here.'' I say, I'm laying on my stomach and I lean on my elbows, I'm still naked and so is he. He's on his back and he's going with  his hand over my back. 

''Wouldn't it be nice..  If we could just do this and not having to worry about being busted?'' He asks and the thought of that would be nice but it makes my heart burn that we can't do that. 

''I know. It would be really nice but you have to leave now. What if my mom comes in here?'' I ask. 

He looks so handsome, I wanna crawl into his arms and never leave. 

''Look at the alarm clock baby.'' He answers and I check the alarm clock on my bedside table. 

5:03 AM 

''Oh.'' I drop my hand in between my arms. 

''It's 5 am on a saturday, they'll be asleep.'' He says. 

I lay my head on his chest and we just lay there. 

He's stroking my hair and I outline the tattoo on his collarbone. 

''Why'd you tattoo this Scott?'' I ask him about 10 minutes later. 

I look up at him, his hand is resting underneath his head, he looks so pretty. 

''You mean the snake right? You were just touching it, I assume.'' 

I nod my head. 

''When I was little, I had a snake named Demi, she was a 'Rosy Boa.' I loved her, she was my best friend all through middle school.'' 

He smiles and I smile with him. 

''I wasn't that popular in school, I didn't have friends. I wasn't bullied or anything, I was just invisible, no one really noticed me, so when I came home from school. I had Demi.'' He continues. 

''That's really cute.'' I say, looking at the tattoo. 

''I'd take her out of her tank and I'd lay her on my chest and she'd just lay there, comforting me. Just like you're doing right now.'' He looks down at me and presses a quick kiss into my hair. 

''But one day, I came home from school and she was gone.'' He says. 

''What happened?'' 

''I looked everywhere, every inch and corner of the house but I couldn't find her. I was so sad. I think she just escaped, I couldn't sleep for over a week, I hoped all the time I would see her again but she never showed up.. so when I was 16, my mom allowed me to get this tattoo to remind her.'' 

''I'm sorry, it sounds really comforting. The tattoo is beautiful.'' I say, sitting up against the headboard. 

''It was. I loved her but.. luckily..'' He sits up against the headboard and throws his arm around me.

''I have you now.'' He leans forward and kisses me. 

I giggle. ''I love you too Scott.'' I say, smiling at him. 

He smiles for a second but then his face goes serious. 

''I wanna stop teaching.'' He admits and my heart starts burning. 

''What? Why?'' A tear shows up in my eye but I quickly wipe it away.

''I never loved it and I wanna be with you, so fucking bad. I wanna go wherever you're going after the summer.'' He says, smiling. 

''Scott you can't quit your job because of me.'' I say. 

''Actually I can. I'm gonna leave once you graduate. I need a change, I wanna do something else. I've teached since I left school, almost 5 years and I don't like it anymore.'' 

''Are you sure this isn't because of me?'' I ask him. 

''No. I thought about leaving once I was hired at that place, I hate the enviroment there. I don't get how you've stuck with it for so long.'' 

''I know right? Me too. It's such a sad high school.'' I say, smiling. 

''I wanna mary you Thalia.'' He says. 

The heat in my heart is worse then ever and my mouth falls open. 

''Not right now but.. eventually, I wanna make you my wife.'' 

I blush, smile and look down. 

''I'd better go.'' He eventually says and he stands up. 

He gets dressed and opens the window but before he steps out, he gives me a deep kiss. 

''I love you pretty girl. I'll see you on monday.'' 

All I can do is smile. I'm fucking speechless. 

He steps out and he's gone. 

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