Chapter 27

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''Bye mom! I'll see you this afternoon.'' I yell out from the foyer. 

''Wait Thalia.'' She walks into the foyer.

''Did you forget? You have your dentist appointment at 9.'' 

It's 8:15 and classes start at 8:30. 

''Oh my lord I fucking forgot.'' I drop my bag and grab my phone to call the school to call myself in absent for Mr. Adams class. 

Around 9:45 I walk into the school with the taste of heavy toothpaste in my mouth. 

I walk past Scotts classroom, the door is slightly opened. 

''Come on. You had sex with Thalia.'' I hear a voice, whispering. 

I go to stand next to the door that leads into his classroom and to my surprise, I hear Julia. 

''Mr. Adams, you're so hot. I can't be that bad.'' She whispers. 

''Julia, please take a step back. I'm with Thalia, I'm not just sleeping with her.'' 

I look through the gap and see Julia, leaning on him and he's uncomfortable, leaning back. 

Fury burns in my stomach and I start to feel really hot. How can Julia do this to me?

''I know you are with her.. but she doesn't have to know..'' Julia whispers. 

''I uh..'' His hands move to rest on her hips. 

What the fuck?

Her lips brush against his when I walk into the classroom, if this was a cartoon, steam would be coming out of my fucking ears. 

''Thalia!'' He yells and he pushes Julia off and runs up too me. 

''What the fuck is going on?'' I ask, crossing my arms, taking a step back when Scott puts his arms around me. 

Julia is laughing. ''I knew this would happen, I knew she would find out eventually Scott, you've been fucking me this entire time and now it's time she knows, how you cheated with her best friend.'' 

I look up at Scott and then at Julia. ''You're fucking lying. I heard everything.'' I say when I walk up to her. 

''Thalia.'' All she can do is look at me. ''It was a joke.'' She stumbles and starts stuttering. 

Scott is grinning. 

Without thinking, my hand slaps Julia's cheek and her eyes start filling up with tears. 

''You didn't even fucking know about me and Scott until saturday night.'' I say. 

I'm so fucking mad. 

''You two looked so comfortable and Scott looked so sexy.. I'm sorry.. I just thought he would want me too.'' She starts crying and stuttering, she's a mess. 

''Did you watch us?'' I ask. 

''Yes, I watched you for about 30 minutes, I'm so sorry.'' 

This is disgusting. 

''I mean, you should have closed your curtain.'' She starts smiling but I slap her again. 

''Thalia! That fucking hurts!'' Her cheek is red and she starts crying even more. 

''Good! You fucking deserve it.'' I yell. 

Before I can lay my hand on her again, Scott is pulling me away from her. 

''Thalia. Enough.'' He says. 

But before he can say something else, I cut him off. 

''Don't even get me started on you! You didn't pull away! You put your hands on her fucking hips!'' I push him off of me. 

I point at Julia. ''You are fucking dead to me. Touch him again and I'll kill you with my bare hands.'' 

She breaks down on the floor and Scott looks shocked. 

I look him in the eye, tears start to fill his beautiful hazel brown eyes.

All I can do is look at him. 

''Thalia.. Please.'' He stutters and reaches out for me but I take a step back. 

''This.'' And I point at him and then at myself. ''This was a mistake.'' I say and I walk out of his classroom. 

Once I'm in the hall I run to the exit. 

''Thalia! Please!'' I can hear him running after me. 

''Fuck off Scott!'' I yell, I push open the door and I'm gone. 

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