Chapter 24

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It's been 2 weeks since I've spoken to Scott outside of school. 

I'm in my bed, covered in blankets, reading a book when I hear tiny rocks hit my window from below. 

I get out of my warm comfortable bed and head to the window to see who it is.

''Scott! What the fuck are you doing here. You can't just show up at my house, get the fuck out of here!'' I yell at him. 

He's wearing a suit, fuck he's so hot. 

''Talk to me Thalia. Please, it's been 2 weeks.'' He says and his eyes fill up with hope once he sees I'm actually not mad that he's here but he lied and the hope dissapears within 2 seconds. 

My parents are already asleep and I contemplate going down, I've missed him so much but he stabbed me in the back, harder then anyone else ever did. 

''No Scott. Go home.'' I close my window before he can say anything else. 

I hear him yell my name, muffled and I break down on the floor. I miss him so much but I can't get myself to forgive him just yet.


''Are you okay Love? You haven't been going to Julia's these past 2 weeks, are you two still okay?'' My mom asks me at the dinner table the next day. 

''Yeah.. Yeah I'm just tired and busy with school.'' I reply, giving her a weak smile. 

''Okay baby, if you say so. How'd go at school today?'' 

After telling my parents about my day and helping them clear off the table, I head upstairs. 

''FUCK!'' I yell when I walk into my room. 

''Thalia? What happend?'' I hear my mom yell from downstairs.

''Yeah fine mom, just thought I saw a spider!'' I yell back. 

I close my door, lock it and turn, he's sitting on my bed.

He's sitting on my fucking bed. 

''Scott! What are you doing here?!'' I say, as quietly as possible. 

''I had to see you.'' He says, standing up. 

''Scott, please just-'' Before I can finish my sentence, his lips are on mine and his hands are on my body. 

''I've missed you so much.'' He whispers in my ear and my legs go weak. 

''Scott.. I can't.. You cheated on me.'' I whisper.

''I know and I'll never do it again, I hate myself for doing it.'' 

I sigh, deeply. 

''It was only a kiss right?'' I look him deep in the eye. 

''Yes, it lasted about 10 seconds before I realized it wasn't you I was kissing. I pushed her off, I promise you Thalia.. She didn't have the same.. sexy hips you do.'' 

His lips stroke over my collerbone and I start to breathe heavily. 

''You're the better part of me Thalia, I was nothing before I saw you sitting in that classroom wearing that sexy top I love so much on you. I can't breathe without you.'' He whispers as he starts kissing my neck. I can't resist the heat in my heart any longer. 

I'm his. If he truly regrets what he did. I believe him. 

I lean into him and his lips meet mine, his soft, wet tongue go over my bottom lip and I want him, right now, right here. 

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