Chapter 23

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My head is resting on her chest, we're both sweaty and naked. 

''I know there's more going on Scott, I can feel it.'' She says, completely out of the blue. 

I look up, lean on my elbow and say, ''What.. No Thalia-'' 

''Stop Scott, you're lying, you were really, really drunk, at school but it's more then that. I'm not stupid.'' She asks me, she sits up, against the headboard and she covers herself with the covers.

''Thalia.. I swear, it's not what you think.'' I start but she cuts me off. 

''Please stop lying and tell me the fucking truth.'' Her eyes start to fill up with tears.

I look down. Fuck. 

''What did you do?'' She asks me, lifting my chin up so she forces me to look her in the eye. 

''Something did happen, and I hate myself for it.'' I start, she's forcing me to tell her, I can't lie to her, it's too hard.

''Me and my buddy's went to the club wednesday night and I..'' 

''You cheated.'' She finishes my sentence. 

Her face is bright red and her big green eyes start to fill up with even more tears as they start to go down her cheeks. 

''Thalia, I was so, so so drunk.. She just came to me and started kissing me and she had bright red hair, I.. I'm so fucking sorry.'' I start crying and start choking on my words. 

''And the.. the next day you came to the school and..'' She begins but now I finish her sentence. 

''I felt bad so I.. wanted to make it up but I was so hungover, It never occured to me that we can't be seen in public places.'' I wipe away my tears. 

''You only kissed.. Or did you do more?'' She asks, looking at me. 

Her face is so full of hurt and it hurts my soul. 

''Yes. It was only a kiss, I swear Thalia.'' I go for her hand but she moves it away. 

''Thalia, please, please say something. It was so stupid and I shouldn't have gone out in the first place.'' 

Before I can say anything else, she gets up from the bed and starts getting dressed, gathering her things, walking out of the bedroom.

''Thalia, no please don't leave like this!'' I quickly grab a blanket and wrap it around me. 

''You cheated on me Scott and then lied about it, you weren't gonna tell me! Instead you choose to tell me some bullshit about you having a fucking twin brother!'' 

I start crying again. 

''Thalia.. I.. Please, let me make it up to you. Please!'' 

''I need some time. I wouldn't even be half as mad if you'd just told me the truth.'' 

She gives me one last look and then slams the front door behind her. 

Fuck, I ruined it.

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