Blown Cover

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*Buzz buzz* "Why is my phone going off at this hour?" he groans. As he grabs his phone from his bed side table. His phone illuminated his face and a good portion of his room. Being a werewolf, his senses were heightened, so the buzz of a text woke him. As he pulled up his phone, he noticed it was from his Gamma, Shawn, who has been undercover in the next town over.

*Bit of history*

You see, there were two towns that have been at war for hundreds of years. The werewolf town was in a valley surrounded by a vast forest. This pack was called the Sapphire Moon Pack. The other town was filled with werebears. It was rare that other shifters had territory so close to one another. Werebears were like werewolves, they could shift at anytime, their senses were heightened, and they also had mates.

*Back to the present *

As Alpha Oliver read over the text, he was immediately angered as it read, 'My cover was blown. I'm executing plan B. Rendezvous point 3. Going dark. See you soon, Alpha.'

Oliver jumped out of bed and dressed in a flash. He mind-linked Beta Devin. "Shawn's cover was blown. We need to meet him at rendezvous 3. Get a small group together in case there's trouble. We leave in 5 minutes."

"Yes Alpha."

As Devin was mind-linking several warriors, he was getting some things together in case things went south. He met Alpha Oliver and the warriors out front of the pack house a couple minutes later. Oliver nodded to Devin and with that, they all shifted into their wolves. Oliver was huge, bigger than the average wolf since he was an alpha. His wolf was pitch black with white on the tips of his ears, piercing blue eye on his right, with a honey brown eye on his left. Devin's wolf was a bit smaller than Oliver's, but was a light chocolate color, but blended well with the fall leaves.

They all start heading North to their rendezvous point. They made sure to cover their scent in case there was anyone following Shawn. They didn't want to alert anyone of their presence. They ran for what felt like forever, they started to slow when Oliver noticed the marks on the trees signaling that they were close. The group was very careful on where they stepped so they wouldn't be heard. They managed to make it to the edge of the clearing where Shawn sat waiting, and circled the perimeter to ensure they were alone. Once the 'all clear' was given, they approached Shawn and noticed he was injured. Huge claw marks went across his face and chest. You could tell these weren't wolf marks, they were wider and more clean cut. Oliver shifted back to his human form and spoke.

"Are you able to stand? Do you think you can make it back to our territory?"

Shawn tries to stand, but falls the short distance back to the ground. "I didn't think you would. Good thing Dev is always prepared." Oliver said as he motioned to Devin to come forward. Devin shifted back and pulls some ointment out of the bag he brought. When Devin applied the ointment, you could see the wounds start to heal slowly. He bandaged Shawn up, and gave him a tonic to help give him a little more strength so he could stand. After Shawn recovered enough, Oliver directed him over to one of the warriors that was still in wolf form.

"No! No, I refuse to get on his back! I'm not that type of wolf. I can make it back on my own." Shawn yelled. He huffed and started walking toward home, but collapsed after a few steps. Oliver and Devin pick him up by each arm and drape it over their shoulders.

"See what good that did you?" Devin said, through an open mind-link between Oliver and Shawn, as he rolled his eyes. "Come on Shawn, we can't carry you the whole way. What if we run into trouble? It'll be faster if you just ride on one of the warriors." Looking at Oliver to try and get some support.

"I agree with Dev, Shawn. This time, it's an order." Oliver said. He hated using his Alpha tone because he wanted to be respected, not feared. He rarely used it, but tonight he did because his friend was being stubborn while he is hurt, and needed to get back to their territory quick.

"Damn it!" Shawn utters under his breath while climbing on the giant warrior in wolf form. As soon as Shawn signaled he was ready, they took off toward the Sapphire Moon pack territory.

*Author's note*

Hi guys! I've been working on this story for a few months. This is the first time I've put my ideas to paper. I'm still working on the story. I hope you enjoyed chapter one. I am always open to ideas and feedback is greatly appreciated. Feel free to message me.

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