Big Surprise Part 1

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I felt a pair of hands grab my arms. I was shocked to say the least. After smelling that delectable scent, my mind was muddled. I couldn't think straight, but I knew I fucked up. If you touch someone that's not under the same spell as you, it reverses the effect. Since I was invisible to everyone, I was fine until I took my mind off our goal of getting home and ran into someone.

Now, I'm visible and I don't know what was going to happen to me. The pair of hands that gripped my arms, yanked me to my feet. I could tell that they were a woman's hands because of how small and smooth they were. The fuzziness in my brain started to subside and I was able to take control of my body again. I was about to start attacking the person holding me, but when I finally looked up, I saw that it was Riley. A wave of relief hit me.

"Why are you still here?! You need to get out of here and fast! Not only are they looking for you, but there has been hunters sighted near our border." Riley exclaimed.

Riley's words sank in. Hunters, near the border. 'Goddess I hope they're not on the side toward our land.' I thought to myself as I scanned my surroundings. I lost Jareth and Emma when I became visible again. Hopefully they made their way to the border, heading back to Sapphire Moon.

"We we're on our way out, but I got distracted by a smell. When I bumped into you, the spell wore off. I can't leave if there's hunters! What if my mate gets hurt?!"

"You're what!!!! Oh for goddess sake, why did you have to find her now? What does she smell like? I'll make sure nothing happens to them, but you have to leave now!"

"Apples, cinnamon, and vani...." I managed to fumble out before getting knocked down again. This time, I knew I had to fight because I wasn't just bumped into, I was rammed into. I quickly got to my feet and spun around, only to be greeted with a fist. *CRACK* You could hear a bone break when the fist connected to the right side of my head.

I was stunned for a few moments, but managed to duck the oncoming swing. Once I gained my bearings, I could see this wasn't just one of their warriors. This man was big. He had mostly grey in his hair and beard, but what stood out the most was that he had an eye patch over his right eye. My eyes grew wide as I realized this was the "papa bear" that Shawn mentioned when he debriefed us after his return.

"Where do you think you're going, wolfy?" He asked in a sinister voice. If I wasn't a high ranking wolf, I might have shivered at his tone.

"Now that you've joined the party, nowhere." I stated. "What happened to your eye? I guess it wasn't a KEY component for setting your SIGHTS on me, was it?" I chuckled to myself.

"Why you little... You're done getting a rise out of me," he said as he swiped his partly shifted claws at me, "I'll show you what I'm going to do to your little mate, and that other wolf of yours!"

With the mention of my newly, almost found mate, I became unhinged. My wolf was in the process of taking over, when we heard a gunshot. Both of us stopped and looked around, but I went from being crazed to panicked as knots were forming in my stomach. "Papa bear" ran in the opposite direction of the shot, while I ran toward it. I needed to know my mate was safe.

As I got closer, I could see Riley on the ground and an unknown girl knelt down beside her bawling in a sundress covered in sunflowers and blood. I was alert and taking in my surroundings as I approached them. Then I saw it. The hunter that took the shot.  My wolf was livid and forced me to shift, not giving a flying fuck that I had no back up.

Through the eyes of my wolf, I could see there were at least 8 hunters. However, I could tell that only one had fired a shot off. We wanted blood for Riley's that was spilt. The hunter aimed his gun at me and tried to fire, but it jammed. I took that opportunity to lunge at him. In mere seconds, I had him on his back and my wolf was tearing into him, bit by bit.

Once my wolf had his fill of bloodlust, we scanned our surroundings again. 'The other hunters had disappeared into the forest.' I thought as I scanned. As soon as my eyes landed on Riley, my heart sank. I quickly shifted mid run, to be by her side.

"Riley, OH MY GODDESS! Are you alright? Are you dying? Did you find her? Why am I asking that while you're bleeding? I'm such an asshole. I'm sorry. Where does...." My words we're stopped by a hand, but the contact made my lips tingle. The hand quickly removed itself, when I started smelling that heavenly scent again.

"Oliver, I'm fine. The shot hit my left shoulder. We just need to dig it out before it gets into my bloodstream." Riley replied, while wincing and hissing in pain.

I finally let my eyes wander to the girl sitting next to me, holding Riley. She was beautiful. Straight light brown hair styled in a pixie cut, cute little button nose, and her eyes were the most stunning thing about her, they were a dark brown but had a sparkle to them in the natural light. We both held our gaze when our eyes finally met. That is, until Riley groaned.

"As much as I'd like to let you guys have your moment, I'm kinda dying here." She chuckled at us. Then I heard the most angelic voice.

"Let's get you to the Clan Doctor, Rī." My mate said as she started to help Riley to her feet. I quickly stood up and took Riley's right arm and slung it over my shoulder to help support her. I looked at my mate, who was staring at me like I grew two heads, and  realized I just put another girls arm around me, while I'm still naked from shifting, and I'm holding her waist for support.

'Great, not even two minutes after meeting and I'm already in trouble.'

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