Big Surprise Part 2

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Dawn's POV

A knock sounded at my door, as I exited my bathroom. I had just gotten out rod the shower, so I wrapped my fluffy towel, tightly, around me and answered the door. There Hans stood, and as soon as he saw me, he turned fire engine red. Hans was always easily embarrassed and very prude. He wanted to wait for his mate, which ended up dying at the hands of hunters, the day after he found her. Riley's mate was also killed by hunters about a year ago.

Hans stood there in the doorway with his eyes clenched tightly shut. I couldn't help but giggle at his actions.

"You know you can look. I'm covered up." I whispered to him, which made him flinch at the hot breath on his ear. I let out a laugh.

"N-no thanks. C-could you get dressed please? Then we'll talk." Hans stammered out. I shook my head and closed the door on him.

"I'm going to put some clothes on, I'll be right back." I hollered at the door as I walked into my closet. I grabbed my favorite push-up bra, and slipped into a fresh pair of undies. I thought about what I should wear for the rest of the day and settled on a pair of leggings that had sunflower skulls on them, and a sundress that was white with sunflowers on it. "You can come in now, I'm fully dressed." I called out, as I sat on the bed slipping some black flats on.

"Oh thank god. I thought you were going to trick me into coming in while you were changing." Hans said with a sigh of relief.

"Well, I was afraid you'd be red for life if I had." I chortled out. "So, what did you want to talk about?"

"I wanted to talk to you about a couple of things. Both of which happen to be about Riley. I found her, and she said that Michael asked her to train two new recruits. She was showing them around and to the tunnels."

"Wait, so you're saying my dad asked her to work on her day off?" I asked irritatedly.


"What was the other thing you wanted to talk about?"

"You know Riley and I are second chance mates, right?" I nodded. "I need to find out what I can do to get her to like me, to go out with me, anything but these formality interactions we have. I just feel so broken because she won't give me a chance." His voice cracked a little at that last part. My heart broke for him. I haven't found my mate yet, but I know what heartbreak feels like.

"Hans, you know we've been friends for years, but I can't give you any advice. I wouldn't know where to begin. How about we setup mediation? I could meet with both of you guys, and be the person that guides the conversation. That way, you both will have to sit down and talk about it."

"Do you think that would work?"

"I don't know, but you will never know if we don't try, right? If you'd like, I can just set a meeting between her and myself and talk to her about it. Would that be better for you?" I asked him. I know that she might respond better if it's just me.

"You'd do that for me?" Hans asked wide eyed.

"Of coarse! Riley is my best friend and you're like a brother to me. I want to help in any way I can."


"Hunters have been spotted near the boarders!" Michael's voice boomed through our heads. Hans and I jumped up and ran for the front door.

'I chose the wrong day to wear a dress, but at least I don't have any heels on.' I thought to myself as I reached the bottom of the stairs.

Before I could reach the last step, I was pushed from behind. Thankfully it was only one step, as it could've been worse. I looked up to see who pushed me, only to see that it wasn't intentional. Apparently Michael's warning made everyone go mad with fear. People were rushing to what we call The Vault. It's like a panic room, but designed to hold every member of our clan.

I just happen to be in the way of people crowding the stairs on their way to The Vault. I stood up and hollered at them.

"HEY! STOP FOR A SECOND, EVERYBODY!" They all stopped and looked at me shocked. Nobody has every heard me raise my voice. "If you continue to push and shove like barbarians, someone is going to get hurt. I understand you're scared, but we need to make sure our cubs and loved ones are able to make it to The Vault without getting seriously hurt, or worse. Please CALMLY walk to The Vault in an orderly fashion." Every single person nodded and slowly continued on to their destination.

'Ok, now back to what I was doing.' I thought as I turned back to the front door. As I made it outside, I could see other clan members running around. Some were headed my way, and others looked as if they were searching for something.

I rushed around and looked for Riley. As soon as I set sights on her, we locked eyes. I started running toward her, when suddenly a guy appeared out of nowhere on the ground. I could see Riley help him up and was talking to him. I've never seen him before, but I could smell that sweet smell of cacao, suede, and vanilla scent again. Before I could make it to them, my uncle knocked him to the ground again. To say I was confused is an understatement. Was this one of the intruders, or was he a hunter? I couldn't imagine Riley talking to either one. While the guy was fighting my uncle Alaric, Riley managed to make her way over to me.

"Who was..." I was cut of by the sound of a gunshot. I looked around as I ducked down, only to see Riley fall to the ground. I quickly knelt next to her and held her in my arms while I looked around for someone to help us.

I saw the unknown guy and my uncle split ways, which looked as if the unknown guy was running toward the sound. I watched as he looked back at us and started walking toward us when he locked eyes with the hunter that shot. He shifted into this big black majestic wolf and I felt something stir inside of me. I furrowed my brows in confusion of this foreign feeling, only to catch a glimpse of the hunter aiming at him and the wolf mauling the guy that took the shot. When he didn't see any other hunters advancing, he ran toward us and shifted.

Naked. He was stark naked. I had to avert my eyes.

"Riley, OH MY GODDESS! Are you alright? Are you dying? Did you find her? Why am I asking that while you're bleeding? I'm such an asshole. I'm sorry. Where does...." he frantically spit out before I stopped his words with my hand.  The contact made my fingers tingle. I quickly removed it from his mouth. 

"Oliver, I'm fine. The shot hit my left shoulder. We just need to dig it out before it gets into my bloodstream." Riley replied, while wincing and hissing in pain.

I stared at the man sitting next to me, while I was still holding Riley. To say he was gorgeous would be the simplest way to explain his appearance. Curly dark brown hair that cascaded down to the middle of his back, bright piercing blue eyes that reminded me of glacier filled waters, and his jaw was like it was chiseled by a Greek artist. Our eyes met and we both held our gaze. That is, until Riley groaned.

"As much as I'd like to let you guys have your moment, I'm kinda dying here." She chuckled at us.

"Let's get you to the Clan Doctor, Rī." I told her as I started to help Riley to her feet. My mate quickly stood up and took Riley's right arm and slung it over his bare shoulder to help support her. I glared at him because he was still naked from shifting, and he's touching another girl like it's not an issue. He looked at me and must have realized what he did because he stepped slightly away from Riley, but still continued to help support her.

'Not only am I mated to a wolf, but he seems to be oblivious to common sense. What it's my father going to say?'

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