The School

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Dawn's POV

When we walked into the office, we were greeted by several old ladies that seem to have been here for years. They all slightly bowed to Oliver. They noticed his hand intertwined with mine and gave him a suspicious confused look, that is, until he spoke.

"Good afternoon ladies, this is my Mate and your Luna, Dawn." They all looked at each other and then shrieked with happiness. I thought my ears were going to bleed from the sound. They all tried to ask questions at the same time.

"Where are you..."

"How old..."

"Do you have..."

"Alright, alright, you ladies have plenty of time to ask such questions. Let's not overwhelm her on her first day here. I just wanted to show her the High School and let you know we were here." The head lady spoke up and handed us a visitor badge each.

"We understand Alpha, Luna. Here are your badges, please feel free to show her around and try not to interrupt too many classes."

"Thank you Jean."

Oliver clipped his badge on his shirt and I followed suit. We walked down the hallway and I noticed there was only a half hallway to this one. This was a small school, but there seemed to be full to the brim with kids because every classroom was filled. Oliver showed me to each class and waved at the teachers when we'd peer in the windows on the doors. On our way back, he stopped at these double doors across from the office and opened them asking me "You want to have some fun?" I shook my head yes because I was eager to know what was in store. From the way he acted, it's like he has done this too many times to count. "This is the Gym. It's probably close to 6th or 7th period, so they should have the 7th-8th grade or the 9th graders. Today is 8 base, it's a cross between kickball and baseball. You have to kick the ball and run to each base twice around, without getting hit by the ball, or getting 3 outs from your team."

"We're going to play with the kids?"

"Yeah, it's not only great exercise, but a fun way to get to know the kids and show teamwork."

"Enough said, I'm in! Who's picking the teams?"

"We'll let the kids."

Just then, the bell rang and in walked a bunch of teens ready to play. They warmed up by doing 5 laps around the gym, then stretched before getting back to their feet and joining us and their coach in the middle.

"Alright. We're playing 8 base today. Jack, Tabby, you are picking teams. Oh, and Alpha Oliver brought someone special to play, so be on your best behavior. Tabitha, call it." The coach said while flipping the coin in the air.

"Heads!" She shouted before he caught it.

"Sorry Tabby, it's tails. Jack you're first."

"I would like Alpha on my team."

"Fine, then I want her." She said pointing to me. "What's your name?"

"I'm Dawn, thanks for picking me. Guess we'll have to show those boys who's boss, huh?"

After about an hour, it was 6 to 6 and we would win if we got another run. It ended up being girls against boys because I think they wanted to see how well I played everything out. I was a dead shot when throwing the ball at running bodies, but Oliver was the same way. Which is why our score is so close. It was our turn and the bases were loaded, but only 3 of us were close enough to make a run for home if the next ball wasn't caught and went far enough. The girl that was up to kick was about 4' 11" and was just the sweetest. I hadn't seen her kick before, so i was expecting it to not go too far or be caught right away. Boy was I wrong. She kicked that ball like someone was trying to kidnap her. It flew further than anyone else's and everyone had moved in, thinking like I did. We all ran home and ended up with 5 points instead of the 2-3 I was expecting. We all cheered and gave the short girl a ride on our shoulders.

"You were amazing!" I told her and then set her down. She shyly shrugged and began to walk away. "Hey, where are you going?" Just then the bell rang and she pointed up as if she knew the time was up.

Oliver walked over and hugged me from behind saying, "You were amazing for someone who's never played."

"To be fair, I've played kickball." As soon as I finished that sentence, Oliver got a sour look on his face. It was a mixture of being angry and worried.

'Rogues! We're under attack!' Those words rang in Oliver's head, but I didn't know at the time.

"Quick, you must go with the kids and teachers to the bunker here. I'll be back, there's a rogue problem I need to handle. Please, I need you to do this for me." He said as he gingerly kissed my forehead.

"But I..."

"No, I need you to go so I know you're safe. PLEASE." He begged me. All I could've do was nod. He gave me a chaste kiss, turned, shifted and ran out of the school.

At this point, I started to look around, confused as to where to go. I wasn't from here; how could I possibly know where the bunker is? Just as I thought all hope was lost, I heard the gym locker room close and steps being ran up the stairs. It was the kids we had played with. The girl that made the winning kick grabbed my hand and pulled me out the gym doors. She opened this small three foot by three foot square hole in the floor and helped everyone in, including me. Once the whole class was in, she closed the hole up with the fake floor piece. Inside, there was more room than people could imagine. It was like the bunker was the inside of the walls of the lower level of the school. Before I could ask any questions, we heard a loud growl almost right above us.

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