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I woke up in a cell, but not a regular "you're going to die down here" looking cell, but a cell that's used for when a female goes into heat. It was furnished with a comfy bed, dresser, and even had a bathroom. I noticed it had a window with bars on it. I walked around to explore the room a bit. I had expected to be put in a regular cell since I was a stranger, but this had me confused. 'Why am I in this lavish cell?' I thought to myself. I sat down on the bed and leaned against the wall. As I was closing my eyes, the door to the cell opened.

"Who are you? Why did you save Anna and Joshua? Tell me why you were trespassing on my land." This older gentleman asked. He was big and burley, at least that's what it looked like. His hair was very straight and neat, as well as his facial hair. You could tell he was an older bear since his hair was starting to grey.

'Anna. Beautiful name for a beautiful girl.' I thought. "I was just passing though. I thought nobody owned the forest or mountains, so I wasn't aware I was on your property. I'm sorry. As I was walking, I saw a man with a gun pointed toward the clearing. I looked over and saw the woman and the child in the clearing, so carefree. Then it dawned on me that's where the man had his gun pointed. I couldn't very well leave knowing he was going to kill her. So I did what my instincts told me to. I snuck up behind him and yelled to the lady to get down, then tackled him. We struggled for a little bit and then he pulled out a knife. I managed to grab his wrist and hit it against the ground to release the blade from his grip. We wrestled, when I noticed the knife was in my reach, so I grabbed it and sliced his throat. That was it. From then, I stood up and remember seeing Anna, before blacking out." I explained.

The man just looked at me and you could tell he was thinking about what to do with me. "You're free to go." He finally replied as he opened the door.

"Am I able to stay? I don't really have anywhere to go. I lost my wife and child a couple months ago during child birth. I'm alone in the world. I thought that if I went out into the woods, maybe I could meet them again sooner rather than later. When I saw Anna and Joshua, I felt something. I didn't feel like dying anymore. Please, can I stay here? I'll contribute, do anything you ask. Please, let me stay." I begged him. I hated lying, but I knew that he wouldn't let me stay if I didn't have a tragic sob story. Truth be told, I hadn't found my mate yet, and no children for me if they weren't with my mate. I hadn't even have any feelings toward women, or men, until I saw Anna in that clearing.

"I'll give you one week to rest and get some supplies together. We will reconvene then. My name is Michael and I'm the.... Mayor of this place." He replied.

*One week later*

It's been a week since I killed that hunter and have been treated kindly since. I have been helping around the town with any chores they might have. I've come to like it here already. Anna and I have been seeing each other everyday since I arrived. I've never felt more alive than I feel with her.

Michael called for me to meet him in his office, which resides is what looks like a mansion.

"Al... Always have to pull me from work, don't you Michael." I said. 'Good save, that was close.' I thought to myself.

"It's never my intention, but since your week is up today, I thought we should talk about what's to come." Michael replied.

"A week already? Ugh, I guess I better go pack."

"Well that's what I wanted to talk to you about. Since you've been so helpful while you've been here, and Anna and Joshua seem to like you, I'd like to extend you an invitation to stay." Michael said, watching my reaction carefully.

"Really? That would be amazing! Thank you, thank you! Truth be told, I didn't want to have to say goodbye. You've made me happier than I could ever express in words." Shawn excitedly replied.

"You're welcome, my dear boy. Now, on to other business. Feel free to take the rest of the day off. I know a certain girl that might enjoy the news." Michael said as he winked at Shawn.

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