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Emma had given most of the information that Oliver requested. "Jareth was a good man, despite that rumor about him being a traitor. He always did the right thing, but his father pushed him to be the best. Being the first born male, it was his right to take the throne, even if he didn't want the responsibility. Jareth found out that his mother had an affair with her true mate, which was the timeframe his brother was born. This meant his brother was not really of the same bloodline. Anthony, his younger brother, was treated like he was the goddess' best creation. However, Anthony was jealous of Jareth's claim on the throne, despite him not wanting it. Jareth and I were forbade to see each other, even though we were madly in love. He wasn't quite 18, so I knew there was a chance he'd find his mate. We stayed together but only met in secret. The night Jareth proposed to me, we were about to go into the village to celebrate, when Anthony caught us together. He flipped out. Shortly after that, Jareth wasn't allowed to go any where without his guards. We didn't see each other for months." Emma explained.

"That still doesn't tell me what I need to know." Oliver said.

"Well, I'm not finished with the story." Emma retorted as she rolled her eyes on the other side of the phone. "Where was I? Oh, yeah. His birthday came around and his parents catered a huge party for him so he could potentially find his mate. Since I wasn't a wolf, I wasn't invited. At the time, wolves only bred with wolves. It was looked down upon to mate or claim a mate that wasn't a wolf. Luck was partly on my side because Jareth never found his mate at the party. Now that he was officially an adult, the guards were forced to listen to his orders. He had them stand down and came to find me. When he arrived at my house, I was surprised to see him, but he just swept me up and kissed me. He said that I was his mate and that we should get married that night. I was able to talk him into waiting until the morning so we could take a couple pictures together. After we married, we were able to get one single picture before his brother and father came with the Elite guards. They took him from me. Our marriage was his so called treason." Emma confessed with great sadness laced in her voice as she continued. "Eventually, they came for me too. I was able to use my magic to conceal myself and ensured they were not able to track me by scent. By the time he was up for execution, I was no closer to bringing him home. I found out that his death would be by silver injection, and I only had 24 hours to figure out how to save him."

"What do you mean marriage was his treason?" Oliver asked.

"What I mean is, they didn't like that I wasn't a wolf and Jareth's father and brother saw that as treason." She replied. "I was sitting in a tree next to the pack jail and was thinking about my options on how to save him. I remembered he was to receive a lethal dose of silver by injection. An idea popped in my head. What if I were to switch out the silver vial for propofol and spell it to look like silver? (Propofol is a medication that puts you to sleep.) This was my only shot. With that thought, I quietly climbed down the tree and snuck into the jail. I looked all over, going through what felt like a maze of turns, just to find the medical room. They had to keep the injectable things in there, right? Turns out, I was right. They had a small cart that was locked but was labeled silver. I used a spell to unlock it and then replaced the one labeled for Jareth with propofol. They had to measure out how much silver to give by weighing the victim."

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