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The morning light was breaking when they made it back onto their territory. Once they reached the pack house, Oliver directed the warrior with Shawn to the pack hospital to be checked out. He had everyone else go home and get a few hours of rest. They would meet at 9am in the pack house conference room to discuss the reason Shawn's cover was blown.

Devin and Oliver were in the conference room waiting for Shawn to show up. As they were waiting, they were brainstorming on what they should do if the werebear clan knew who Shawn was. Just then, Shawn walked in and Oliver and Devin stopped their conversation. Glancing up at the clock, Oliver said, "Nice of you to join us, princess." Shawn rolled his eyes and sat down. "Glad to see you've healed up, for the most part." Referring to the small scar across Shawn's right eye and diagonal to the other side of his nose.

"Very funny, Alpha. I'm very thankful that Dev brought that ointment. This could've been a  lot worse. Thank you Devin. I appreciate you thinking of that." Shawn replied. Devin just nodded his head in response.

"Alright, let's get to it." Alpha Oliver said as he walked around to the end of the table and sat down. Devin and Shawn, as well as the few trusted warriors that went to the rendezvous to extract Shawn, sat down. Looking at Shawn, Oliver asked, "What happened?"

"Where do you want me to start?"

"At the beginning of the mission." Replied the Alpha.

*Flashback in Shawn's POV several months back*

Alpha Oliver had tasked me with going under cover to gain intel on the Golden Honey Clan. They're a group of werebears that have been at war with us for as long as I could remember. Their clan is over the mountain, North of our pack boarders. I didn't pack anything that could ID me. I made sure I had several tonics that our pack healer provided me with that would mask my scent until the end of my mission. I journeyed on foot in my human form through the woods heading for the Golden Honey Clan. After several miles, I took one of the tonics to ensure that I wasn't smelled. I really hope it worked. I stumbled across a small clearing filled with brightly colored flowers. As I was about to step into it, I saw the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. I stood there glued to the scene, watching her smile and roll in the flowers, when I notice a child with her. 'There's no way that's her child. She looks no more than 17.' I thought to myself. Just then, I smelled sweat and sulfur. 'I guess their sense of smell isn't as strong as a wolf's.' I thought as I started looking around the clearing. I heard a twig snap, which alerted the woman there was something wrong.

Just as she got to her knees, I saw the small glimmer of light. A hunter. I knew that she would sacrifice herself for the child, and still didn't know who was there. I could see the hunter had his finger on the trigger, ready to shoot. I yelled at the woman, "GET DOWN!" She looked at me with fear written all over her face, but listened. She hit the ground and pulled the child with her. *BANG* The gun loudly echoed through the mountains. I ran with lightening speed to where the hunter had taken his shot. He was about to take another when I managed to knock him down. His gun flew several feet away from us. Since I was under cover, I had to pretend to be human too. The hunter pulled out a knife and tried to plunge it into my side. I quickly grabbed his wrist and used a bit of force, not enough to break it. He dropped the knife but wasn't able to subdue me. When I noticed it was mere inches away, I swiped it and slid it across his throat in one go. I knew that I couldn't just partially shift and use my claws or this would be over before it even began. After the hunter took his last breath, I stood up, covered in blood. There in front of me, stood the beautiful woman with the child clinging to her leg, while hiding behind her. I smiled at her. "I'm Shawn." As soon as she went to speak, everything went black.

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