Gathering Intel

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A few days have passed since I accepted the job and I've been at Michaels side almost 24/7. It's tiring being someone's right hand. I've decided that tonight I'm going to finish my hand drawn blueprint of the Mayor's house. Once that's finished, I'll sneak into the War Room and see what information I can find. That night, I had just finished the layout of the house when Anna walked in.

"I wanted to kn.... What is that?" She asked, pointing to the blueprint of the Mayor's house. I immediately tried to hide it and took out other, meaningless, papers to take it's place.

"Nothing!" I said quickly. After a quick thought I said, "Ok, you caught me. I'm in the process of updating the blueprints to add a couple new rooms to the house."

You could tell she was a little apprehensive that I was telling the truth. "Oh, I'm sorry for interrupting. I was just trying to ask you to dinner before I lost my nerve." She said blushing.

"I'd love nothing more than to go to dinner with you, but I can't tonight." You could see the disappointment on her face. "However, I'd love to take you out tomorrow. Would you like a breakfast date?" I knew this was a long shot, but I couldn't resist. I really did like her for some reason.

Her eyes grew wide and she tried to hide her excitement. "I'd like that. Pick me up at 8?"

"Consider it done, love." This time, my eyes grew wide. 'What was I thinking?! I should not have said that." Anna made every doubt I had wash away when she surprised me by throwing her arms around me and kissing me.

"I feel the same way, don't be embarrassed. I'm going to go now so you can finish your work."

"Pick you up at 8." I told her. One last chaste kiss and she left. After Anna left, I made a few final touches to the blueprint and included a slight map so my pack would know what obstacles lay ahead. I held up the finished product and admired my handy work. That's when I saw a shadow float by across the paper. That mean's someone is watching me and knows what this is. 'Goddess help me.' I thought to myself. I rolled the map and blueprint up and put them in my bag.

After seeing the shadow, I started getting paranoid, looking around every corner. I just knew that if I didn't leave tonight, I may never see my pack again. But I couldn't leave before getting into that War Room. I quickly looked all around me while I walked fast toward the Mayor's house. I made sure I wasn't followed. At least I thought I did. I quietly entered the house and entered the alarm code to disable it. I snuck through the house until I got to the room I needed. Most of the time, there was always someone in there. It was very rare for it to be left unguarded, but it looks like luck is on my side tonight.

I was able to enter the War Room and saw that their tactical map was still out. That's perfect for me. I took some pictures with my tiny camera (it's the size of an AirPods case) and found a file with my pack information on it. Not any information, but pictures too and as I flipped through it, there I was. "Fuck" I whispered. I tucked the folder into my bag and got out of there as fast as possible. 'How long have they known? Has he seen this information yet? Oh shit, Anna. I have to tell her I'm leaving.' I thought to myself.

I instantly change directions toward Anna's house and I felt a strange feeling as I approached. I realized I was able to smell that lavender honey smell again, but it was stronger. My tonic must have worn off. I entered Anna's house and ran upstairs to her room. I shook her awake.

"Anna. Anna, wake up. I need to leave. I want you to go with me, please get up." I whisper yelled.

"Shawn, why are you here? I thought we were meeting for breakfast?" She started, until she saw the look of desperation on my face. Then it hit her. "What did you do? Shawn? What's going on?"

"I don't have time to explain, please say you'll come with me." I pleaded.

"Why do you smell of pine and beeswax?" She asked, then with wide eyes, she realized something. "Are you one of us? I can tell you're not human. Why couldn't I tell before?"

"Look Anna, I can't explain right now, but I prom...."

She cut me off. "No! You will tell me now!"

Frustration ran through me as I realized she won't come without an answer. "I'm.... I'm a wolf. I'm from the Sapphire Moon pack. You're obviously my mate since we can only smell each other. Please come with me? I have to lea..." -SLAP- I didn't get to finish my sentence as her hand crossed my face. I deserved that.

"Leave." Anna said flatly with a straight face. "Leave now! I swear if you ever come back...." She never finished what she was saying. I'm thinking it had to do with the unshed tears in her eyes. I looked st her with pleading eyes. I opened my mouth to speak, but as I did she yelled, "I SAID LEAVE! NOW!"

I backed up slowly as my heart was breaking into a million pieces. I felt a tear slip, so I turned to run out as quickly as possible. I opened the front door and turned my head to look at her one last time, but ran right into something hard. The scent filled my nose and I knew I was screwed.

"Where do you think you're going, wolfy?" I looked up and saw it was the same guy who's position I took over. Blackness consumed me.

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