The Miracle

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Oliver's POV

I finally snapped out of my shock and decided that I was willing to give it a try. What's the harm in trying right? "Yes, I would greatly appreciate the help. Do I have to take you out of the jar? I'm still debating if that's a good idea just yet. We still have to talk after all."

"You don't have to take me out. Could you slowly turn the jar upside down and put the lid in your palm?" I did as she asked and once the lid was in my palm she started rubbing her legs and antennas together. All of a sudden it looks as if a reddish-yellow snowstorm has went off in the jar. "Alright, lift the jar and slightly shake it into your hand. Once you have this all in your possession, you need to get over to the man and put some in his nostrils and under his tongue. After a few seconds, you should see his vitals improving."

"Thank you...... I don't even know your name. To thank you properly." I replied.

"You can call me Lila. Now go before it's too late."

I quickly turned and pushed open the doors, which startled Kate. She looked terrible, like she was withering away. James' vitals were slowing down, so I knew I had to act fast. I handed Kate the jar and started putting the pollen-like substance in his nose and mouth. I sat back with Kate, who asked, "What is that and what is that going to do?"

"I'm not sure what it is, but I'm hoping it works." I replied. I look back at the monitor just as his heart line flattened. Kate starts bawling and rushes over to James' body and throws herself on him. I decided to give them some privacy. As I start to leave, there's beeping again. It sounds like it's getting steadier.

I turn to see his arm moving up and his hand cupping Kate's face. Kate was sobbing into his hand then turned and asked, "How is this possible? Is this the product of what's in that jar?"

I held up the jar and opened it. I figured I should give Lila a chance, since she did save my pack member. Lila looked up at me and tilted her head in confusion. "Are you sure? How do you know I won't run?" Lila questioned.

"To be honest, I don't know if you'll run or not, but you helped my pack and you deserve the credit and some trust."

Kate looked at Lila wide eyed, but still managed to smile when Lila fluttered upward. "Thank you! Thank you so much! You don't know how much this means to me, to us." Kate managed to blubber out, then went back to hugging her not-so-dead mate.

"I think that's our queue to leave. Come with me Lila, we have a lot to talk about."

Lila flew over and sat on my shoulder as we walked back to the packhouse. On the way, she started asking me questions about our pack and why I brought her with me. "This pack you speak of, what's it called? Is this your whole pack?"

"I'm going to assume we're going to play 21 questions, aren't we? Let's do this, you ask a question and I'll answer honestly, and then I'll ask a question and you have to answer honestly. Alright, my pack is called Sapphire Moon and yes," I gestured around us, "this is my whole pack. Our pack land is pretty big and there are houses scattered throughout the land. Why did you and the other sprites attack my men?"

"Well, that's a little complicated."

"Then uncomplicate it for me. Would you rather go back into the jar, or be questioned by my Beta?"

"N-n-no, I'll answer you." Lila clamored out nervously. "The man that caught me, his name is Shawn, right?" I nodded. "Ok, well, Shawn was sprinting frantically through the forest and happened to kill multiple of our kind and didn't even stop. Our King demanded we go after him to bring him to justice. We ended up losing him in the forest. That was until I caught sight of more of your kind sprinting toward us. Before I knew it, more sprites were killed and I was captured before I could even make a move."

"You spoke of your King, who is Queen? Aren't Queens supposed to be in charge?"

"Our Queen left us. She was a special breed that grew to normal human size, and could shapeshift. Why do you want me?"

"So your Queen could shapeshift and was the size of a normal being?" I replied as thoughts ran through my mind. "Was the faery I fought your old Queen?" Lila nodded with a saddened expression on her face. "The reason I want you is to give me any information you have on that faery. She took the form of my grandmother and I need to find out why."

"I will give you any information you want." She replied. Just as she finished her sentence, we were at my room.

"Thank you Lila. Would you mind hanging out in here while I go shower and change? I promise it'll be quick."

"I'm sure I'll manage."

I took a quick shower and made it out in record time. Lila was sound asleep on my nightstand. It looks like she made a little bed out of the tissues that sat there. I smiled and looked at her, she looked like I had set a flower next to my bed and forgot about it. I think giving me whatever powder stuff she had really took a lot out of her. It's almost as if she's wilting a little. I mind-linked Devin and Shawn, "Hey, could you both meet me in the conference room in five minutes?"

"We'll be there."

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