The Vial

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Oliver's POV
"Good, let's start with your Queen." I said. "Can you tell us about her? We want to know anything you know about the Faery."

Lila sighed and started, "Well, I guess I can tell you about Queen Mira. She was a fair and kind ruler all the time that I've known her. She was like any other faery or sprite, just living and longing for love. Not to mention keeping order to our fantasy."

"Ok, but what about now? What was her plan?" Shawn questioned as he cut her off.

"Seriously?" Lila said in annoyance as she crossed her arms. "If you would've let me keep talking, you know that I wouldn't be able to tell you that."

"Then what good is this! There's no reason for you to continue if you don't know anything!" Shouted an angry Shawn.

"SHAWN! Stop this!" I boomed in my Alpha tone. "You need to take a walk. You're starting to shift. Go find Anna and check your emotions before you come back."

"Yes Alpha." Shawn all but whispered before excusing himself to find his mate.

"Now, Lila, please continue." I said as I gestured for her to keep talking.

"Um, ok. So, Mira was a great leader, up until two years ago. She just vanished. She went out to check the borders and never came back. We thought that she left us to find love. We searched for a while, then a Leatherwing decided he was going to step up and be our King. Since we hadn't had a challenge to the throne for so many centuries, we didn't know what to do. Our own Elders couldn't remember what to do if our leader went missing. That's how long Mira had been with us." Lila had a sad look of disappointment on her face when talking about Mira. "I guess now we know where she truly was. Did you get any of her flesh or blood before we left?"

Lila's question surprised me, so I had to ask her why she was interested. "Her flesh or blood? Why would you ask such a thing?" I ask as I looked at Lila and glanced at Devin. You could tell Devin was also curious because he tilts his head to the left when he's intrigued.

"S-s-so I can t-t-tell you why she at-t-tacked y-y-ou." Lila stuttered out.

"Calm down, little flower. I was only asking because it's.... Well, it's not something people usually think to grab. But, as the fates may have it, I did have someone take some blood samples. How is that going to help you tell us why she attacked me?"

Lila took a deep breath and explained. "If I have some of her blood, I can do a little spell that one of my elders taught me. It's supposed to reveal the last year in a sprite's life. I would only be able to try. I can't guarantee it'll work since she's a full blown faery."

"Let's see if it works." I said as I mind-link Shawn. 'Have you had enough time to cool down? If so, would you please bring one of the vials of the faery blood?'

'I've calmed down. I'm sorry for my outburst. I'll be there in 2 minutes.' Shawn linked back.

"Shawn will bring a vial shortly. In the meantime, I forgot to ask how you're doing. I noticed before we got here that you looked wilted a little."

"Oh, I'm alright. Giving someone my life essence is draining. As long as I get some rest and stay hydrated, I'll be good as new in no time. Speaking of hydration, can I have a spoonful of water please?"

I nodded and grabbed a spoon and glass of water off the table to give her. I watched as she walked over and laid in the water on the spoon like she was sitting in a bath. My gaze shifted to the door as Shawn walked in.

"I got it." He said as he held up the vial of blood. "What do you need it for?"

"Lila needs it for a spell. It might help us find out why Mira attacked me."

Shawn sits down where he had been before and set the vial down in front of Lila. She got up from her place in the spoon and walked to the vial. I tried handing her a tissue to dry off with, but she didn't even seem to notice. She was focused on that vial.

"Will you open it for me?" She asked. I grabbed the vial and opened it for her. Lila flew up and sat on the rim. "I'm going to try now, please try and stay as still and quiet as possible. I've never done a spell in front of anyone but the elders."

We all sat there quiet as a church mouse and watched. Lila started to take the blood and draw on her face. She put one dot in the center of her forehead, circles around her eyes, a line from the bridge of her nose to her chin, and then put a drop on her tongue. She started an incantation in the same dialect that the faery had used. 'It must be ancient fae.' I thought to myself.

As we watched, Lila started to glow an iridescent purple and was floating up into the air still chanting. All of a sudden it was gone just as fast as it came and Lila fell from the air. I was quick enough to catch her in my palm, but hoped I hadn't hurt her.

"Lila! Are you ok?! Please be alive." I shouted not meaning to. To my relief, Lila stirred. 'Thank the goddess!' is all that ran through my head as Lila opened her eyes and smiled.

"It worked." She whispered, before she passed out.

Shawn, Devin, and I all heard it. It had worked. Lila actually knows what happened in the last year of Mira's life. We would now need to wait until Lila gained some of her strength back before we could find out why Mira hated me enough to attack.

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