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*Oliver's POV*

"WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL, OLIVER! What the fuck was that? It felt like you burned me!" The imposter Emma yelled as she looked over her hand. It looks like she has blisters on her finger and thumb, but the crest is seared into her palm. "How did you do that?!"

"I didn't DO anything. Wait, did you just try and steal my ring?"

She scoffed and said, "I would do no such thing to my nephew."

That's when things went south. She realized she fucked up by calling me nephew instead of her grandson. I practically froze in place, unable to will myself to move or speak. Thankfully she backed away a little and shrieked. That sound brought me out of my daze and I spin around to put more distance between us. Once I figured there was a good amount, I turned to see her transforming figure. Her body contorting in ways I've never seen, as she screeches out with every turn of her body. I continued to stand my ground, prepared to attack if needed. After what felt like forever, which was probably a minute or two, she stopped twisting and shed her skin. There fluttering around in front of me was a faery. Faeries can shape-shift into any form they want, if they're powerful enough.

"What have you done with Emma?!" I yelled, my voice sounding strained. I may not have met her yet, but she's the only blood family I had left.

"Who? Oh, the appearance I took on for information. I see." She looked as if she knew something I didn't, as she had an evil glint in her eyes. "She means something to you. No? Don't worry your pretty little head. She's still breathing, for now. After I take care of you, I get to have the pleasure of ending her measly life." She taunted.

Before she could get another word in, I lunged at her. I caught her partially off guard, which made her stumble to the ground. Her face wore a shocked expression. It's obvious she didn't expect me to do that. If I wasn't worried about what was going to happen next, I'd have had a good laugh. She rose up about 20 feet from the ground and raised her hands over her head toward the sky, then started mumbling in another language. The next thing I know, the sky grew grey and it started pouring. This made it hard to see her and any attacks she was going to make. The rain was so thick you couldn't see two feet in front of you, nor anything in the sky.

I felt something wrap around my ankle and it felt slimy and was starting to constrict. I started to panic, because I never trained for something like this. Faeries are a rarity, and usually kept to themselves to stay alive. There was hardly anything written about them throughout history. As I bend down to see what grabbed me, I still can't make it out, the rain is so thick. I decided to just use my claws and swipe at it. My nails began to grow and when they were a couple inches long, I clawed at the vine like substance attached to me. I can feel it oozing out where it was sliced, and it was warm.

All of a sudden, I'm hit from the side and knocked to the ground. I hit my head on what seemed to be a rock of some sort, and could feel myself drifting in and out. With my head throbbing, I tried to sit up but my body wouldn't work well enough. I started spinning the ring and remembered that it had other powers I had yet to figure out. Apparently twisting it was a good thing because I found myself being able to see clearer and the rain was slowing. Being able to finally stand, I kept spinning the ring when I noticed a small cyclone heading toward the fairy. You could tell that the force was great as she was finding it hard to get further away from it. Eventually it sucked her in and you could see this horned, winged figure being spun around at a high speed. I closed my eyes and pictured lightning striking the cyclone. Sure enough, thunder rolled and lightning struck the faery in the cyclone as if I had commanded so.

The skies started to clear and the cyclone stopped which dropped the faery from a few hundred feet up, as soon as I started to feel comfortable again. As she hit the ground with a loud crunching sound, I flinched from the sound of impact. Slowly, I walked over and looked over her mangled body. I noticed she was barely breathing and her wings were shredded while twitching. I kneeled down to question her about Emma, since she clearly was not her.

"What did you do to Emma? Where is she?!" I asked, starting in a whisper only to end in a yelling, worried tone.

"Sh... li..ves... Cl..a..nnnn." She stutters out in a whisper before succumbing to her injuries.

"Goddess dammit all. I swear this happens every time I try getting information."


I roll my eyes as my warriors and Shawn arrive on the scene. "You're a little late to the party." I said as I gesture to the heap of faery sitting to my right. "We had such a fun time without you." My words were dripping with sarcasm.

"I'm sorry Alpha, I ran into a few sprites on my way back. I handled them as fast as I was able. Once I reached close enough, I was able to mind-link one of the guards and they came to aide as quickly as possible." Shawn said. You could hear the disappointment in himself as he addressed me. I know he did his best with what he was given, but I'm so irritated that I didn't get anything from the faery.

I broke away from my thoughts to reply. "You're good Shawn. I know you did your best and I appreciate you. All of you. To aide you Alpha is a great honor, but it's an honor to be your Alpha. So thank you for coming." I couldn't help but be a little sappy. I really do love my pack and would do anything for them as they would for me. Ending all the sappiness, I cleared my throat and asked, "Did you run into any more trouble on the way here? How many sprites did you run into on the way back?"

"Well I ran into at least 15 of them little buggers on the way to the pack. After picking up the guys, we ran into a few, but we did catch one." Shawn answered as he held up a small mason jar with a sprite in it.

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