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Dawn's POV

"WHO. THE. FUCK. ARE. YOU?" I asked with a raised voice.

"I think the real question is, who are you and why are you in my mate's room?" the piece of trailer trash, wearing nothing but see through lingerie, asked me. I was trying hard to not let it get to me, but I needed to set her straight and show her she shouldn't be messing with her Luna.

Calmly and smoothly, I let the words flow out, "Well if you must know, I'm Oliver's true mate, which makes me your Luna. Now I'll ask you again, who are you?" I must've emitted some Luna aura because her eyes went wide and she bowed her head.

"M-my name is C-car-llynn."

"Well Carlynn, I think you should rethink your life choices. Now, get out of OUR room." She scrambled off the bed and grabbed what looked like a robe from the ground. As she reached the door I said, "Oh, and Carlynn..." She stopped and looked at me, "do yourself a favor and forget about my mate. If I find out otherwise, I'll kill you myself." Carlynn nodded and briskly opened the door and left as fast as her little feet would take her.

I just shake my head as I stare at the door for a moment, processing what just transpired. Then there was a knock on the door. I walked over and answered it, only to be face to face with a concerned Riley. I motion for her to come in and to hold on a moment. I walked into the closet and found a pair of cute strappy white sandals and slipped them on. I went back out and grabbed a notebook from Oliver's desk and a pen that was laying there. It was very fancy schmancy. It was made of mahogany and looked to have actual gold inlayed in it.

I asked Riley what was with her concerned look. She vocally responded, "Who was that, you know, the one that just left in practically nothing?" I laughed and wrote down what had happened and left out the part where I threatened her. I'm not usually the violent type, but something snapped inside me. "I guess that's one way to handle it. Are you okay?"

I basically let her know that I was fine and was actually on my way to go see her. I grabbed her hand and tugged her toward the door. At first she tried to resist, but as soon as she started to realize I wanted to explore, her face lit up with excitement and started dragging me instead. I had her stop as we got out into the hallway, I wanted to look at 'my' room. Riley turned to me and I wrote it down. She nodded and pointed to the door directly next to Oliver's. I nodded and we both walked over and opened the door. A burst of fresh white lilac, fresh jasmine, and honeysuckle, floated into our noses. It smelled so enticing. We entered the room and were shocked at what we saw. It was a soft mint green color with geometric patterns on it in a turquoise color. It was beautiful. I had a huge 4 post canopy bed with a white sheer canopy. There was a plush couch that looked to be a light baby blue in the center of the room, with a TV just as big as the one in Oliver's room. We walked closer to it and it looked like he stocked it with romantic comedies and sappy stuff. I opened one of the cupboards and there were SO many snacks. Candy, popcorn, drinks, and even had a little packs of tooth flossers. Talk about weird but convenient. I opened the other side to see that there was fuzzy blankets folded and ready to be used.

After we stopped staring at the movie stuff, Riley grabbed my hand and dragged me to the closet. This was almost as big as Oliver's, but I didn't really spend much time looking at his walk-in. Mine already had some outfits hanging up, but only a few, all of which were in my size. Riley was in awe of all my stuff. I wrote on the note pad and showed it to her. I had written, "Did you have a big furnished room and a walk-in closet with clothes?" Riley rigorously nodded her head with excitement. She dragged me out of "my room" and took me to hers across the hall.

As we entered, her room was identical to mine, but in dark and light greys. We walked into her closet where there were also several outfits in her size, all with tags. She had an arm chair in her closet with a side table with a couple ASL books on it. I asked her if she liked it, and she responded in writing, "Yes! I've never had anything as amazing as this happen to me before. Can we thank Oliver?" I nodded, and out the door we flew.

Just as we start to exit Riley's room at full speed, she ran into a rock hard body. Riley rubbed her now sore nose and looked up at the person she collided with. As soon as she looked up, she was not only shocked, but uttered something I never thought I'd hear.


'This mysterious hottie also has a connection with Riley? I thought we could only have one second chance mate.' I thought to myself. 'Maybe this is the Moon Goddess' way of apologizing for taking her hearing, or for sticking her with Hans.' You could see his eyes were just as big as hers, but he didn't say anything. 'That's weird.'

Just as I was about to say something out loud, Oliver comes into view. "I see you've met Devin." he says to me while realizing something was happening. "Why do you look so confused and shocked right now?" Oliver started looking at all of our faces trying to figure out why we all were just standing there in shock.

'Mate.' Devin mind-linked Oliver.

'Are you sure? Which one?' Oliver asked, being paranoid he was talking about me.

'The one directly in front of me.'

'That's Riley, my mate's best friend. You're going to have your hands full, not that you can't handle it. Congrats bro. But seriously, she's a firecracker.'

"So.... are you going to introduce us? Or are you going to stand there smiling like an idiot?" I couldn't believe this was happening and Oliver is just standing there like a dumbass.

"This is Devin, my best friend and Beta." I rolled my eyes at his reply. Devin grabbed his phone and pulled up a note pad and typed on it.

*I'm Devin, Oliver's Beta. I never thought my mate would be as beautiful as you. Would you like a tour of the house?*

Riley just nodded and looked at me as if to question if it was ok. I smiled at her and nodded once. She squealed and linked her arm with his when he offered it. I don't think I've ever seen her so happy. My brain kept thinking about poor Hans. He's going to be crushed if this bond grows stronger. I never understood why she never accepted him, but she also wouldn't talk about it. As I'm watching our best friends walk away, I start to feel like I'm being watched, and it's NOT from Oliver standing slightly behind me.

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