Something's Wrong

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"Took you long enough." She said with her voice laced in annoyance. "It feels like I've been waiting a millennia for this meet. Come now, give your grandmother a hug."

Shawn and Oliver exchanged glances of confusion from afar before Oliver spoke.
"Forgive me for being late. There was a pack matter that needed tending before I left. I'm still an Alpha you know. My pack is my life. As for the hug, I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that yet. Let's do a rain check on it." His heart wanted him to embrace her, but his gut and mind were telling him to be wary.

"Fine." She said as she rolled her eyes. "Let's get on with it then. What was so important you wanted me to meet you? Could you have just told me over the phone?"

Oliver could tell something wasn't right. He knew this was not the same woman he spoke with the night before. She had a specific way of talking and this was very different. She spoke now as if she was indifferent verses the caring person she portrayed on the phone.

"Did you forget grandmother? You asked to meet me. Something about a missing clan member?" Oliver quickly lied.

"That's right, sorry my brain isn't functioning at full capacity these days. Getting to be my age is no joke. So did you have any information on him?" That was another red flag. The only clan member that he knows is missing is Anna.

Oliver's POV

I knew something wasn't right. As soon as she spoke the first time, asked for physical contact, and now about a male clan member, I could tell it wasn't the real Emma. I had to let Shawn know so he could get close enough to the pack to link someone to send back up. We were outside of mind-linking range from the pack. I signaled Shawn and linked him. 'I don't know who this is, but it's not Emma. Go home and bring back help.'

'But Alpha, I don't...'

Oliver cut Shawn off. 'No buts! Get your ass to the pack and bring back help. That's a direct order!'

I could see Shawn felt torn between leaving me alone and staying to fight. He always obeys the Alpha tone. I was confident on my abilities to fight if I had to. I watched him shift and sneak further into the forest in the direction we came from. Whoever this person was, I needed to play along to find out what they know and why they wanted me. I was originally hoping to get answers, but I'm obviously not going to be getting any anytime soon.

'What happened to Emma? Did she get captured? Did she send this imposter?' My mind kept racing with these random thoughts. One thing was clear, this imposter was watching my every move. I need to be careful with letting my emotions show.

"No, I have no news of the missing boy. It seems my trackers have reached a dead end." I smoothly lied. "Perhaps if you could point us in the right direction?"

"Oh, uh.... Seems as if it slipped my mind. Don't get old, your memory will leave you." She said as she winked at me. "Is there anything you'd like to talk about, Oliver dear? You look like there's something on your mind. Come now, sit next to grandmama and tell me what's the matter."

I did as she asked and sat down next to her, but still keeping a little distance between us. You never know. I sighed and started to tell her what I believe to be convincing lies. "I know that we don't know each other, but I feel like I can talk to you about stuff. I...I'm terrified that I won't find my mate and my pack will suffer without their Luna." Ok, so maybe there's a little truth in there. Whatever will stall her, right? "I don't know where to look. I've avoided going to other packs parties because I didn't want to leave my pack. Now, I feel like I'm regretting my decision to keep my pack safe." I made sure to start tearing up to make it believable. Which, actually looks like it's working because she grabbed my hand and patted it. The next thing I know, she shrieked and pulled her hand away so fast.

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