Miss Mistress

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Oliver's POV

I stood staring at my mate, who was watching our friends walk away. I couldn't be happier she's here. As I'm watching her, I can tell she's starting to get uncomfortable. I gently put my hand on her right shoulder and slightly turn her to face me.

"Are you okay? You look like something's on your mind. You can talk to me, if you want."

"Sorry, it seems silly. Before we delve into our feelings, can we go somewhere else to talk? I'm getting weird vibes out here."

"Sure, do you want to go to your room, mine, or my office?"

"Somewhere nobody can ease drop." Dawn said as she looked around me a little. I could clearly see she was uneasy. I just nodded and put my arm around her shoulder, walking her in the direction of my office down the hall. She was looking at all the paintings hanging along the walls. They were my ancestors and they were those typical "royal" portraits that they would have a painter do. The closer we got to my office, the more modern the pictures got. I still haven't had my portrait done because I was waiting to find my mate. The last picture up was of my parents standing with Devin's parents in front of our huge willow tree at full bloom. It was a beautiful sight. We weren't the typical Alpha family, since Devin and I were so close, his parents were close to mine as well. They considered them equals, which is why they're not only in the portrait, but they also attempted to have his family move in on the Alpha floor. They declined because they were a very proud family and didn't want to upset the balance in the pack. Dawn stopped and stared at the picture. "Is that your family? Who is the other couple and the child?"

"That's my mom and dad," I said as I pointed to the people in the picture, "that's me and Devin, and these were Devin's parents."

"Aren't only Alpha families supposed to be in the portraits?"

"Well typically, yes. But we weren't the normal family. My parents saw them as not only family, but as equals." Her eyes went wide with shock, and I couldn't help but chuckle. She turned to me and gave me such a dirty look. If they could kill, I'd be dropping dead at this very moment. She's cute when she's mad though. "Let's go into my office, much more random things to talk about in here." I said while trying to be playful.

As we walked in, she stopped and scanned the room. She was in such awe, she didn't hear me close the door or walk around her to sit at my desk. Once she realized I was across the room, she walked over and just stood there, not really wanting to sit, but not wanting to stand either. I turned slightly and patted my lap. She turned crimson before sitting in one of the chairs in front of my desk. I chuckled again. How could I not? She's the most adorable thing I've ever came across and she just melts my heart. She cleared her throat to help compose herself.

"So... I need to ask you something personal. I didn't ask you in the hall because I felt as if someone may overhear."

"Go on. You're my mate, you can ask me anything you wish. I have no issues being completely open to you." I said as honestly and gently as possible. I needed her know know she could talk to me freely about anything and everything.

"There was a girl in your bed when I got out of the shower. She said her name was Carlynn and that you were mates." Dawn had anger and disgust lacing her voice. As she should, that tramp is NOT my mate. I displayed my own disgust when that came out of her mouth. "She was wearing practically nothing. I just wanted you to know that I" she gestured like she was weighing something with her hands, "may or may not have threatened her." Then she looked at me with a straight face, not giving any hint of emotion and asked, "What's your favorite color?"

To say I was shocked at the change of subject was an understatement. I just kind of blinked a few times. 'Is this a trick question?'  I thought to myself. "Well, I don't like a color, per se. It's more of a shade, which would be black. If I had to choose a color, it would be royal blue. You know, you're the only person that has ever asked me that?"

"Oh. Really?"

"Yep. Is there a reason you asked? Or were you just trying to get to know me?" I asked a little skeptically. I wasn't sure she was going to tell me the truth or not because I knew there had to be a reason behind it. We weren't in an intimate setting.

"Well to be honest, I wanted to find out if Carlynn dressed in the appropriate color." She giggled out. I'm relieved that she is starting to feel comfortable talking with me. It's like a weight has fallen slightly off my shoulders. I already know how enamored I am when it comes to her. "She chose wrong. You'd have thought that she would've done her research before showing up in your room." Dawn shakes her head and laughed. "I hope she got the message when I spoke to her. So, what do you like to do for fun?"

Still a little shocked she's asking so many personal questions, I answer her question with a question grinning widely, "Have you ever been on a motorcycle?" She shakes her head with a curious look on her face, it's clear she has never have ridden. "Do you want to go for a ride? It's one of the most invigorating feelings. I like riding because it clears my head. We don't have to go today, just let me know when you're ready. Now it's my turn to ask you a question." She shifted in her seat. She must not like the spotlight on her. I thought to myself. "I'll start with the same easy one you asked, what's your favorite color?"

"Pink. But not just any pink. It has to be... a darker.... but vibrant shade..... Almost like a cross between hot pink and magenta." She said as she looked deep in thought trying to explain the shade of pink.

"Nice. I didn't expect you to like such a girly color." I laughed. She glared at me with a smirk on her face, letting me know she wasn't offended and found it just as funny. "Okay, now that colors are out of the way, what do you like to do for fun? Please tell me it's not shopping."

"I absolutely HATE shopping. I actually like to train. I've been training practically my whole life. When I was younger, it was basically to teach me self defense and I didn't really like it or take it seriously. When I got to be a teen and my mom passed, it was the only thing that kept me going. Thinking she passed all those years ago, put me on my path to succession. When I found out that I may never shift, I took training more seriously and it's become very therapeutic for me. It helped with my mood swings and self-esteem issues." I looked at her in awe, as she just shared something so deep and personal without me prying. But of coarse, my dumbass had to open my mouth.

"Your self-esteem issues?" Those three words, killed whatever ease we just had.

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