The Storm

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Unknown POV

I'm awaken by the blinding light of the sun. Obviously it was time for me to wake up, but I had stayed up most of the night with homework, so naturally I was beyond tired.

"Just a few more minutes." I groaned at the maid that opened my curtains.

"Your father would have my head if I let you sleep any longer." The maid chastised. "Besides, you have training to attend to."


"NO BUTS! Get your butt out of bed and get ready." She flung my blankets and sheets off of my body with no remorse.

Now that I was cold, I guess it was time to get up and change for training. I'm sure I would get yelled at if I went in my PJs. I rolled out of bed and walked into my closet to change. While my family is by no means rich, I was lucky enough to have a small walk in closet.

I put on my sports bra, a comfy tank top, and some leggings. This would give me all the freedom to train right, whereas wearing joggers would give my opponent something to grab onto. That was the last thing you would want when you're fighting.

I grabbed my trainers and slipped them on my feet, ready to get going, only to be greeted by the mayor at my doorway. He looked as if he were aging more and more by the day. It's been about a year since we've spoken to each other. I've only seen him in passing, never taking the time to speak to him.

"Hey Michael, what's up? I'm just heading out to go train." I said casually as he just smirked and shook his head.

"I'm glad to see that you're finally taking your training seriously." I rolled my eyes as he spoke.

"Look, I know you're not going to be around forever, and I felt it wasn't the right time with all my school work. I know I'm way ahead of everyone in school, but I couldn't take them time off. I need to graduate first, and then I can do this full time."

I know that he's just worried about me and himself getting older. It just sucks. My mom died when I was young, and the mother I had, up until her disappearance, was the best anyone could ask for. I guess you could say I felt abandoned by both of the women in my life. School was the only thing that saved me.  I did almost a full year of school work in a few days time. I had to focus all my time and energy on something or I'd break.

"You're right. You know your mother would be proud of you. Proud of the woman you're becoming." He spoke with such sadness in his voice. "I better let you get to training." Michael moved out of the way and said, "Stop by my office after training."

Before I could say anything else, he turned on his heel and walked away. 'Oh well, I guess I'll find out what he wants later. I'm going to be late.'  I thought to myself as I made my way to the training fields.

As soon as I made it outside, the wind started blowing harshly and cloud with thunder and lightning rolled in. To say I was confused was an understatement. It literally went from being warm and sunny to dark and stormy in the blink of an eye. As far as I knew, there were no storms coming in. Just as I was about to continue to the training grounds, I could see that there were guards surrounding Riley's house.

"Ok, that's not normal." I said to myself out loud. Before I could link Riley, lightning crashed down near the guards. One strike after another, as the thunder roared, shaking the ground all around us. I started feeling scared for my friend. Surely she was home, it was her day off after all. I wanted to run over there and make sure she was fine, but with all the lightning striking so close, there was no way I would make it.

I was about to go back inside and talk to Michael, but then the storm finished as quickly as it had came. All the guards that were surrounding the house, had fled due to the unnaturally close lightning strikes. I saw Riley look out of her window, so I knew she was ok. I decided since I was already late to training, I should hustle over to the training grounds.

"Dawn, it's nice of you to grace us with your presence." The head guard, Hans, taunted me.

Dawn's POV

"Did you not see that storm just now?" I asked with a quizzical look on my face.

"What are you going on about? It's been sunny the entire day." The look on his face signaled to me that he had no idea what I saw.

'What in the actual hell is going on? How could it have been sunny when moments ago there was lightning and thunder? Am I going crazy?' I thought to myself, before being snapped out of my daze by Hans' voice.

"Dawn, you're up."

I simply nodded and entered the chalk circle. Since being trained on taking over for Michael, I got to fight everyone. I have to be able to defend my clan, even if I hadn't shifted yet. My first shift will be tonight, that is IF I shift. I could take after my mom and just be human. That's why I'm training ruthlessly.

This time, I was fighting my Uncle. His salt and pepper hair and beard glimmer in the sun. He used to have beautiful hazel eyes, but he had an accident recently and lost his right eye. He retired last week and has been bored at home, so he comes to help train the newbs. I guess he couldn't resist taking me on. We circled and studied each other. Waiting for the other to make the first move, just as I was about to make mine, my uncle threw a punch. I swiftly ducked and swung my leg along the ground, managing to connect with my uncles feet.

"Thought I'd go easy on you, Uncle Alaric?" I sweetly cooed. "I won't give you any special treatment just because you lost your eye."

"My dear niece, I would expect you to treat ANY threat with a deadly force. Even if they're family."

I was a little confused with the words that left his mouth, so I wasn't expecting to be knocked on my ass.

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