Filet Rogue

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Oliver's POV

I turned, shifted and ran toward the town. Shawn had said rogues were attacking in the Southeast part of our territory. Instead of running down the trail or the road that leads to the high school, I jumped over the edge of the hill. Sure, there's lots of briars and shale that break my fall, if you can call it that. I don't pay them any mind. I grew up here playing in this stuff, so I know how to move in it. I reach the center of town within three minutes. By the time I reach the bridge, I can hear the fighting. Once I'm over the bridge and up the small hill, you can clearly see a battle going on.

"Shawn, I'm here." I linked him. I'm hoping he falls back enough for me to see where he's at. Sure enough, there's Shawn and Anna. They're fighting against four wolves back to back with each other, but Anna is in bear form. She was a glorious fighter for a bear. She was dodging and clawing at them while simultaneously keeping her butt up against Shawn's wolf. Watching them was like watching a TV show. It was unrealistic. All of a sudden, I was tackled to the ground by a rogue. I regained my bearings and was able to rip out his throat before he could recover from the tackle. I swiftly got up and made my way further into the fight, biting and slashing at anyone that wasn't one of mine. The further in I got, the more rogues seemed to appear. It was like they were waiting for me. After battling with four rogues, I was blindsided by a fifth and was injected with wolfsbane. I shifted back into my human form immediately. As I'm lying there surrounded by wolves, the one that blindsided me shifted and spoke.

"So you're the "almighty Alpha" everyone is talking about. You've been feared for years. It doesn't seem like you should hold that title, nor any Alpha title. You're a weakling who was out manned and outsmarted by a mere rogue." He smiled sinisterly at me while delivering his monologue. I couldn't help but roll my eyes internally. I knew if I were to do so physically, it could mean disaster. I still have a mate to look after. Like the anxiety of what could happen sparked an instinct, I started spinning my ring. I didn't know what I was doing, but my body and mind did. Soon a storm started brewing and lighting started striking all around. It startled everyone there, including me. Once I realized what I was doing, I started to concentrate on the wolves surrounding me. Lightning struck next to one of the wolves who was standing in a puddle of blood on the battlefield we were on. He yelped and fell to the ground. The blood acted like water would, a conductive substance that would electrify any living thing in it when it was struck by electricity.

One wolf hightailed it out of there, while one got closer to me. I'm not sure if it was for hope to not be struck if they were closer to another or if they could tell it as me causing all this. A lightning bolt snapped down and struck him; he was split in half. At that point, the other two cronies yipped and booked it in the direction I'm assuming they came from. The one holding the syringe was unsure of what to do as he could tell there was something not normal about this specific weather. While we're known to have storms through any season, we rarely get thunder and lightning; never lightning this close to the town. He looked at me and I just shrugged. He didn't seem to notice I was fiddling with my ring. That was a relief for me. I started to try and stand when he started walking closer.

"Sorry dude, I don't swing that way. I do NOT want a lollipop. Maybe you should follow your friends and we can forget this ever happened." He laughed and kept walking closer.

"I don't think so. My ancestor would like to rid your filthy mud-blood line off the face of the earth, especially this pack. This is MY right, my lineage; not yours. Pure bloods are the only ones capable of ruling, including Sapphire Moon."

Just as he was about to reach me, I stood my full height and my body shifted. This time, I didn't shift into my wolf. I shifted into a Lycan. This man's eyes grew wide and he immediately shifted into his wolf. His wolf may have been the same size as mine, but he was no match for my Lycan form. I towered over him standing at a full height of 7'3". He lunged at me and I dodged him. I was faster and quicker at thinking. Before he had a chance to turn around, I slashed his back right leg. My claw marks were so deep you could see bone and muscle was sliced clean through so it was butterflying outward. Instead of turning to fight, he ran off. I let him leave as the rest of the rogues were gone already.

"Oliver, you need to shift back. You're too unpredictable in this form." I heard Shawn's voice. "Plus, you don't want to scare Dawn when you go see her right?" That's all it took for me to shift. I didn't know how or why I shifted into a Lycan or how I shifted back, but I'm happy I was saved by this spontaneous shift.

"Thank you Shawn. I may need help walking back. I was injected with wolfsbane and I'm still feeling the effects, even after shifting into this bizarre new form. I need to let the others at the school know that it's safe."

Shawn was a great Gamma. He and Anna helped me get to the pack house and into a vehicle. Of coarse they both made me put shorts on before we left. We just pulled up to the school when I could smell blood. It's like my body fought off the poison in my system fast enough for me to fly out of the truck and into the school. There was blood and dead wolves everywhere. I had to remind myself I would've felt our bond if she got hurt or died, but I didn't know if the wolfsbane would limit that too. My heart was going to beat out of my chest with all the anxiousness and anticipation I felt. Then I saw her....

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