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Dawn's POV

"Since we'll get caught if you are out in the open, I want you to stay here and wait for us. I'll run up to my room and then grab Riley on the way out. When we get back here, I'll lead us out through a tunnel system. Please try to stay out of sight. I'll be back soon."

I couldn't help but peck him on the lips again and then jogged toward the entrance. When I approached the door and walked through, I grabbed the door and looked back at the man I'm going to spend the rest of my life with. He looked around and started to explore. I closed the door and ran up the stairs to talk to Riley. I swiped a pen and notepad from the nurses station and entered Riley's room. I quickly wrote down what she needed to know, which was nothing less than "We're leaving with Oliver. I have to grab something from my room, be ready by the time I get back."  I basically shoved the note in her hands, which startled her, and then I left. I had to leave a note for my dad, and I needed my mother's necklace. As I was jogging out of the hospital, I accidentally ran into my dad.

"Whoa there, where's the fire Dawn?" He laughed out.

"I, um. I'm sorry, I didn't see you there. I'm just overloaded with energy and needed a run." I rushed out. I didn't need him thinking something was up and start trying to be an actual parent.

"I was going to check on Riley, but since you're in the mood to run, I'll come with you. It's been a while since we've went running together."

"No need. I didn't need you then, and I don't need you now." I spat at him. How dare he think he can just act like the last thirteen years didn't happen. Ignoring me and never talking about mom. Emma was the only thing that kept me a happy child. If not for her, I wouldn't be even speaking to him after all the emotional abuse. "I don't want your company. We will talk later. Feel free to fetch me in an hour or two, AFTER my run." I stared at him with a 'fuck around and find out' look on my face.

Michael didn't know what to think about my sudden attitude, but in reality, I've always had it. He just stood there flabbergasted that I would speak to him in such a way. I've always been good with only giving a slight attitude so he never knew about how I really felt about him.

After a minute he seemed to snap back to the reality of the situation and said, "Why are you being so hostile with me? I've done nothing to you. I just wanted to spend time with my daughter for a change. Why can't you see that I love you? I'm trying here."

I put my hand up to stop him from continuing and conveyed my feelings. "Michael, I don't want to get into this right now. I just want to be alone. Why is that so hard for you to understand after all these years? You never had a problem with it before. I don't feel like running anymore. I'm just going to go up to my room and work on some school work. Please leave me alone for a while. I need time to cool off." I couldn't help but feel anger and resentment toward him after all that's transpired over the years.

He sighed defeatedly and just gestured by extending his hand out for me to go on my way. It was like he was silently saying 'by all means, please, go.'

I turned and walked angrily in the direction of the house. I glanced at my watch and noticed I only had 30 minutes left. Now I had to hurry. 'For fucks sake! Why does this shit always happen to me?' I thought to myself as I started to run. After a few minutes I reached the house and rushed into my room and closed the door. I went to my jewelry box that kept my moms necklace safe. It was a special necklace that was made in white gold and had a secret inside of it. I still have yet to figure it out, but I know there's something in it. I quickly put it on and grabbed a few other small keepsakes that would fit in my pockets. I didn't want to pack a bag because my dad would get suspicious.

Glancing at my watch, I've got 25 minutes. That's not bad. I'll just take the tunnels to my special oasis. As I open my door, my dad happened to be standing in the knocking position. 'Great.' I thought.

"Can we talk?" He asked in a sincere tone.

"I don't have time for this right now. Can't we talk later? I need to go get Riley's things and take them to her." Yes, I used my best friend as a scape goat. It's the only thing that might save me from missing my window.

With a heavy sigh he allowed me to leave without another word. I'm a little shocked, but hey, at least he didn't question it. With that, I slid passed him and walked out of the house. Now I couldn't take the tunnels or he'd know I wasn't going to Riley's.

I jogged around the corner so I wasn't in Michael's sight and sprinted back to the hospital. I startled Riley by barging through the door and grabbing her. Once she realized it was me, she calmed down and followed as quickly as she could. I check my watch, 13 minutes left. We flew down the stairs to our secret spot. When I opened the door, I couldn't see Oliver, but I could smell him. He must've scented me come in because he appeared from behind the maple tree.

I ran over to him and said, "We've got 11 minutes to meet your grandmother. Let's go." I grabbed his hand and we started jogging to the tunnels with Riley holding onto Oliver's other hand. I know mates usually feel jealousy when it comes to their mates touching other females, but Riley is like my sister and she's the only constant I've had in my life besides Emma. We reached the end of the tunnels in no time. I guess it's a good thing Riley and I used to explore the tunnel system when we were kids.

As we exited the tunnel, something unexpected happened. Or should I say, we met someone that just disappeared one day without a trace.

"Hello Dawn, it's good to see you. My my you've grown more beautiful with each passing day. No time to dilly dally, we've got to move fast and put as much distance between us and the clan as we can."

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