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Dawn's POV

"Riley has two second chance mates." I told Oliver once he had locked the door to ensure that we wouldn't be heard.

"What? How is that even possible? Devin hasn't even had one before Riley." Shocked features took over Oliver's face as he asked the question, I couldn't even begin to answer. I only know that I can tell him what I know.

"Hans was Riley's first second chance mate, but she has practically rejected him at every turn. She didn't want another mate. She's still broken up about her true mate." I said as I took his hand and lead him to the couch. "They only knew each other for a couple of months or so before he died. She hasn't looked at another male since. She thinks I don't know, but Hans was her first second chance mate. I wasn't there when they met, but Hans trains me and we're friends. We all grew up together, so of coarse he came to me when he started feeling the bond. Riley didn't want anything to do with him. I could tell because she would leave when he came around and she was with me. Anytime she would see him walking toward her, she'd basically bolt in another direction. I've been watching her over the last month or so and could tell there was something wrong with her but she'd never talk to me about it." I sighed and looked down at our hands that were joined next to each other. We were sitting at an angle so we could talk face to face but still sit on the couch.

"That would explain why Jareth found her crying in her closet surrounded with stuffed animals. Maybe she[s still mourning her loss and just wants to self soothe? I know it's not the healthiest way to cope, but it's something. It's better to let your emotions out instead of holding them in. I've never had a female friend as close as you and Riley are, so I don't really have any advice. What I can say is that Devin never met his mate, so Riley is his true mate. I know he'll be hurt if she pushes him away, but if he knows why, it might help them both in the long run. You should talk to Riley about it." Oliver is a sweetheart, and so caring. I don't know how I got to be so lucky. I smiled at him while thinking all the dirty things I wish I was brave enough to do. I'll admit it, I'm a coward and an awkward adult. I've always been this way and I don't think I'll change. My cheeks started to betray me and started tinting pink. "Why are you blushing?" He asked while raising an eyebrow while smirking.

"No reason, just me realizing we're sitting super close with our hands together. This is the most affection I've ever had." While it wasn't a lie, I wasn't going to tell him the whole truth. Who would want their mate to know their thoughts? "Umm, are you ready to go for that run? Are we going in wolf form?"

"I think it would be a good idea to just run in human form today, since you're newly shifted. We can run in wolf form tomorrow if you'd like? Is that a good compromise?"

"That sounds good to me. I'm going to go grab some clothes and will be right back."

"I'll be here." Dawn got up and Oliver stood at the same time and walked her to the door. Before she could reach for the doorknob, he grabbed both her hands, lead them up to his neck, put his hands on her waist and kissed her. It started off slow and steady and she granted him access to her mouth when he slid his tongue across her bottom lip. After a few moments of the kiss, he pulled back and pecked her lips again. "In case you needed to be reminded how much you mean to me." Dawn was stunned in bliss. That was her first kiss, well, first real kiss that wasn't a measly peck. We all know those don't count. "Do you need help to your room? I know that's where your clothes are. You know you can always move them in here if you want." That shook Dawn out of her dream like state.

"I'll think about it." She said with a little attitude, then pecked him on the cheek. "I'll change and come back. I promise." Oliver smile and opened the door for her and watched her walk to her door. Even if it was right next to his room.

Oliver's POV

I watched as Dawn when into her room and heard the door lock before going back into mine to change. I closed the door and walked into my closet to change into my joggers and a cutoff sleeve shirt. As I walk out into my room, I noticed a jacket on the floor. I was super confused because I didn't hear anyone come in. I shook it off and went to sit on the edge of the couch to put my trainers on. Suddenly there was arms being wrapped around me and I shuttered. Not the good type either, more like touching something gross, but the gross thing was touching me and pulled me onto the couch where they tried to kiss me. I immediately rolled off the couch and into a fighting stance, when my door burst open. Here I am, looking like a karate kid startled yet again.

"I thought I smelled skank. What. The. Fuck.... Are you doing in my mate's room....AGAIN?!"

"Oh, your mate? By the looks of it, he must be mine, don't you see the lipstick on his mouth? He loves my touch and even shivered when I touch him." Carlynn mewled out as 'seductive' as this tramp could.

"Well, if you actually look, it's not on his mouth, plus it's smeared because he obviously was RUNNING from you. I warned you what would happen if you touch what's mine."

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