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I walk into my new home.

Hearing the sounds of Namjoon toggling to lock the door from behind. I turned around to look back at the man who was now walking over to me, a smile on his face as always.

Why is he always smiling at me? Is that just how he is, or is he just putting up a front?

"Where's mom?"

"Your mom's not home yet" He said when holding out my bag that he had taken from me earlier in front of me and I took it.

I wasn't shocked that she wasn't here, I mean it's what she does. I guess I'm just annoyed that she is already doing this when she hasn't even been married longer than a month.

I sigh. "Do you know where she went?"

He shrugs as if he didn't even care. "I gave her some money, she went shopping I think" He says nonchalantly before walking off somewhere.

Was it weird that he didn't even seem like he cared where my mother was? Maybe but I guess I don't care enough to want to know why, it's probably just nothing.

I then went to my room to unwind and undress from my school clothes into something more comfortable, a tank top and pajama pants. I wanted to rest for a while but I had homework unfortunately so I went to my desk that I had just gotten and began doing my work there.

An hour and a half had gone by when I heard a knock on my door.

Namjoon's head suddenly popped in to say hello. "Hey, dinner is ready" He quickly said before popping back out and closing the door behind him.

I got up from my desk as I was just about finished with my work anyway. Going downstairs I went to the dinner table where I saw Namjoon sitting, alone. It was just us two, mom still wasn't home I guess.

Noticing that I was here Namjoon looked in my direction, a warm smile on his face as usual. I walked closer, contemplating on whether or not I should sit next to him or in front, ultimately I sat next to him.

I looked at food prepared by Sooji Unnie and my mouth watered. Man am I hungry.

It was silent when we ate, almost awkward to be honest. I still don't really know Namjoon like that but there's something about him that makes me want to. None of the men my mom had been with has ever been this interesting or rich for that matter.

"Umm... So how was your day Namjoon?" I inquired about the man as I looked down at my now empty plate.

"How about you look up at me, and ask that again Bora?" Namjoon suggested rather smugly, making me feel just a tad annoyed. Is it really that serious? I however do as he says and look up from my plate, my eyes focused on him.

"How was your day?" I ask again and I see his lips form into a grin.

"Do you really want to know or are you just trying to make conversation?" Namjoon asked with a curious raised brow and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. I'm just trying to be friendly and he's acting so annoying right now.

I sighed. "I want to really know" I replied and he chuckled as if amused by how he seemed to be getting on my nerves.

"Well if you must know, I recorded some vocals for a song" Vocals, he's also a singer too? He doesn't even look like one to be honest, if anything I would think he would be a rapper that occasionally dabbled in singing.

"I didn't know you could sing" I say and he was quick to shake his head.

"I can't.. I just sing to make guides for my songs" He clarifies. "Anyway, how was your day if you didn't mind me asking?" Namjoon changes the subject onto me.

I usually have such a hard time on my first day of school, I mean just being surrounded by a completely new group of people I haven't met before is so nerve wracking but this time it wasn't so bad.

"It was okay, I made a few friends today actually" I responded, making Namjoon raise both his brows in surprise.

"Look at Miss popular already making friends on her first day" He teased.

I scoffed. "I'm not popular, I just so happened to meet a really friendly girl who introduced me to her friends"

"Okay.." He says simply, not pressing any further.

I shake my head when turning in the direction of his plate that was almost empty. There was just a piece of steak that had already been cut.

"You want this?" I hear Namjoon asks making me look back at him. I don't even give him an answer before he suddenly picked up the piece with his chopsticks and placed it right in front of my lips. "Open" He directed and I did as he said and widened my lips to let his meat in my mouth.

He watches me closely as I chew and eventually swallow the food. "Mmm.."

Taking the thumb from his other hand, Namjoon suddenly reached over to swipe it against my lips. I stay still as I feel him take away the sauce from my lips, our eyes not not leaving each other as he then puts his thumb in his mouth.

"Delicious" He says when pulling his thumb out. His lips looks so nice.

My hand having a mind of its own finds its way on his thigh for some reason, making him look down for a second before looking back up.

His eyes zoned in on me closely and I bit my lip feeling a little nervous the way he looks at me. My mind draw a blank. I had no idea what I was doing when found myself slowly leaning closer to him. Namjoon didn't move however, he just stayed still as he let me move even closer.

"What are you doing Bora?" Namjoon asks in a low tone. His voice bringing me back to my senses, I quickly move back to stop myself from doing something I'd regret.

"I.. I-I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry" I profusely apologized to Namjoon. He didn't look upset or angry, just indifferent.

He let out an obviously fake cough. "Don't worry about it" He says lightheartedly, trying to play off the encounter as if it wasn't serious.

I open my mouth to try to apologize again when I suddenly hear footsteps, clacking heels to be exact. It was my mom. Noticing I still had my hand on Namjoon's thigh I quickly moved my hand away and stood up from my seat.

"Hey guys. I'm home" I heard my mom's voice as she walked in the dining room.

"Don't tell me you ate without me.."

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