It Matters.

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It was a long walk before I got home.

The pitch black area not letting me see anything, I took my phone out to turn on my flashlight as I continued to come inside.

I take off my jacket and shoes to exchange with slippers. I tread lightly in the empty space going to my room when a random thought of strawberry ice cream popped into my head. I had a long day, I know for sure some ice cream will make me feel a little better.

I turn to the other direction of wear the kitchen was. Going straight to the freezer, I look for my favorite strawberry ice cream. 

Just as I found the pint, I heard footsteps and the glowing light becoming brighter as someone walked through the living room towards the kitchen.

I could tell it was Namjoon, from the heavy steps.

My mind was racing, but I couldn't move for a solid second when feeling his presence with me. I breathed out and grabbed my ice cream eventually closing the door. There he was, under the flash light of my phone. He wasn't wearing anything but a pair of blue plaid boxers that looked just so good on him. "Your light?" He says suddenly as he lifts his hand up to cover his eyes.

"Sorry.." I lowered my hand, and the light was now facing the floor like his.

It was faint but the little light that was there made it possible to see him perfectly. We were now looking at each other. The air was thick with silence as he observed me, his eyes scanning my body with intense scrutiny as I did the same.

It was silent as I stood there for probably only a few seconds, but it seemed like an eternity. It didn't feel awkward, but it wasn't comfortable either.

"Where were you tonight?" I heard him utter breaking the silence.

My head tilts slightly when thinking about the disaster that happened tonight. "A party.."

I noticed he took a step closer to me.

"You didn't think to tell me or your mother before going" I could hear a sneer in his voice as he talked. I didn't tell them I was going to a party, nor that I would be coming home so late. I just thought everyone would be asleep by the time I got home so I wouldn't have to deal with this.

"I went straight after school," I mumbled.

He scoffed, obviously not sounding all that pleased with my answer. He then took a few more steps closer, and my heartbeat that was once calm had picked up.

His phone rose in his hand a little as he came even closer, his light near my chest as he just inches away from me. Feeling a little more nervous than I was before, I keep my head down to avoid eye contact with him. What is he doing, why is he getting so close to me?

I then felt his hand brush up against mine, taking the ice cream in my hand that I forgot I had, placing it on the counter.

"What the fuck is that on your neck?" I was startled by the harshness in his voice.

Looking up at him I could see his eyes deadpan directly on my neck. That guy gave me a hickey didn't he. "It's nothing.." I take a step back, making him look in my eyes. I gulped nervously as his intense stare was starting to burn a whole through me.

"How far did you go?" I hear him question out of the blue.

My brows furrowed in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb, how far did you go with whoever it was that gave you that?" He clarified and I understood exactly what he was saying. "Did you fuck someone tonight?" He raised his voice, impatient as I hadn't answered his question fast enough.

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