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I took off my shoes before entering the house.

I stood still in the middle of the entrance, looking up at the pretty crystal chandelier that was just above my head.

It was the first chandelier I've ever seen in person and it's a lot more interesting and bigger than seeing it in movies.

"It's so big" I say out loud.

"Indeed it is" I heard a deep voice say suddenly making me get a little startled. I held my hand to my chest as I turned around.

I look at the man who owns this house, standing by the doorway with a couple bags in his hands.

"Uhh.. could I please come in Bora?" He asked.

"Shit- I mean.. sorry" I apologize rather poorly when quickly moving to the side to let him enter the house. "I'm sorry for cursing Mr.Kim" I made to apologize to him hoping he wouldn't snitch on me to my mother.

He lets out a laugh. "It's alright" he says reassuringly as he lets the suitcase go on the floor. "And you can call me Namjoon, remember" he said and I nodded my head.

I remember him telling me to call him by his first name when we first met at the courthouse when he and mom got married. I just thought he meant that day, but apparently he meant all the time.

"So... how was your morning Bora?" Namjoon asked simply with a warm smile.

I smile back. "Great, thank you for asking" I said and he then came closer.

It happened so fast I couldn't even react properly when I then saw his arms open wide and wrap themselves around my body. I stood still, frozen. Feeling his hands that should've been at a safe place on my upper back, instead placed at my waist.

He suddenly leaned his over making me feel a little tingle in my body when his breath lightly fans over my ear. "Hug me back" I hear his deep voice whisper into my ear.

Doing what he says, I reach to wrap my arms around his torso to return the hug. It didn't take long before I found myself strangely snuggling into his chest, my nose suddenly noticing the cologne that he was wearing. "Mmm.." I lightly pressed my nose against his chest to smell him more.

"You like my scent" Namjoon whispered in my ear and I widened my eyes in realization of what exactly I was doing.

I quickly pulled myself away from him, keeping my head down to avoid eye contact. God, I can't believe I embarrassed myself like that to this man.

"Joonie!!" There suddenly I hear my mom scream, making me turn around to see her.

She was coming in with bags in her hands and immediately dropped them before running forward to engulf Namjoon in a big hug. She didn't waste any time before leaning in and kissing him, his hands immediately finding a way to her ass.

I avert my eyes somewhere feeling slightly uncomfortable with the pda. I mean who wants to see their mother make out, gross.

"Bora come here" I heard mom say excitedly. I turned to see her gesturing me to come closer to the pair. I reluctantly moved my feet to go in between the two and they immediately went to pull me into a hug.

"We are gonna be one big happy family," mom said happily when looking into Namjoons eyes.

I could see how happy she was, how happy they both were to be together. I wanted her to be happy, I want her to finally just be happy for once.

I just hope that for her sake as well as mines this one lasts.

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