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I stood there quietly, smoothing my hair then checking my dress for any flaws in the fabric. I had to fight down the urge to laugh at myself, knowing he probably wouldn't care what I was wearing.

I braced myself and gave a couple of knocks.

My heartbeat quickened, and I struggled to even out my breaths. Long moments passed until I finally heard footsteps on the wood floor inside.

The door swung open and all the emotion inside me came all at once.

His eyes were calm and steady as they settled on me. He looked shocked and yet thrilled or surprised to see me standing here at the same time. The confidence I had somehow managed to build up when I started this plan was stripped away in an instant as his eyes raked over me.

He went to court earlier today and I guess he just got back from it.

Namjoon's hair that had grown out quit a bit was slicked back. He had on a white button up shirt that was slightly opened at his chest, and a pair of dark brown slacks that were being held up with a black Gucci belt. He looked very expensive.

"Hey" His deep voice made me shiver.

I crossed my arms over my body, clasping my elbows to keep my fingers from trembling. "Hey" My mouth tried to form a smile, but I could only lift one corner.

"How was your day?" He asked as his gaze swept over me.

I drew a steadying breath and glanced down at my feet, shifting dust with the toe of my sandal. "It was okay?" He lowered his head and opened his eyes. We stood there looking at each other, him letting out a harsh breath that made me think he was trying to maintain control.

I moistened my lower lip and stared at him. "I need to ask you something"

"Sure, come in..." Namjoon made some space for me to walk inside.

I took a breath and made myself walk toward him, stopping when his eyes narrowed. Going past him before turning my body around to face him when I was decently inside. The way he looked at me, his gaze focusing on my breasts and lingering down my legs.

I'd come to know him too well for me to not recognise that he was eye fucking me.

"I missed you" He said suddenly.

He takes my face between his palms, looking upon me sincerely before leaning forward and attaching his lips with mine.

Straight away I press my hands on his chest weakly to push him back. "This is not why I came here"

I lowered my head to avoid his gaze and a piece of hair fell in front. He immediately brushed it out of the way, tucking it behind my ear. "Right, what did you want to ask me?" Namjoon put his hand on my cheek and turned my head up towards him. He hates it when I'm not looking at him when I'm talking.

"My friend is a fan of yours and I wanted to ask if you could talk with him"

"Sure" He leaned down to press his forehead against mine. "Anything for you baby" He continued and a faint smile appeared on my lips hearing his sweet words.

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