First day.

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I drifted through the hallways of my new school.

Hearing all the chatty students talk amongst each other in the halls. It wasn't the first day of school for them, only for me.

Finding my way to my first class which was English.

I stepped into the classroom that was half empty with more students still coming inside. I stood at the front of the classroom and waited for more people to come so I could find a seat that hadn't been taken.

Before I knew it everyone was in their seat. Leaving me to look around and find some empty ones when I found a seat by the window. Perfect.

I quickly go take a seat and take out my books for the class.

"Are you new?" A girl, whom I have yet to know, said beside me. I turned to look at the girl who had had glasses on her face with a bubbly smile on her face.

"Yeah, I actually just moved from Daegu a few days ago" I say and she looks at me and frowns a bit in confusion when moving a bit closer.

"Really, are you sure you didn't come from America or something?" She asked and I couldn't help but just smile.

I mean it's pretty obvious. People notice I'm mixed even though I straighten my hair to hell and religiously, it's just always interesting seeing their reaction to it.

"Actually I was born in Korea" I explained and she clapped.

"Oh.. That's so cool, you know English!" She says excitedly and I couldn't help but smile at her bubbly personality.

"A little bit, but I'm not good so don't ask" I say, and she nods not really knowing what else to say. I can get awkward and honestly I've been trying to work on that but sometimes I can help it, especially when you're always the new girl.

"My name is Mirae by the way, what's yours?" The girl introduced herself when holding her hand out next to me.

I then hesitantly reached to shake it. "My name is Bora.." I say softly and she nods.

"Nice to meet you" she says and I smile again feeling relief. She seems really nice.

It was after that that class had begun and needless to say it was of course boring. Like any other school one thing remained the same, I hated school with a passion and I couldn't wait till I was finally finished with it, which luckily for me was only in a few months being that it's my final year.

After English I had my various classes. It was getting around that time for my lunch.

"Hey Bora!" I heard my name being yelled by a familiar voice as I walked down the hall. I turned around to see it was the girl I had met in my first class, Mirae.

"Hey Mirae, I'm about to head to lunch-"

"Yay! Let's go!" I yelled excitedly as she pulled me with her into the cafeteria. Not even acknowledging the line to get food, she pulled me over to what appeared to be her table.

There were already two boys sitting at the table, I can only assume must be her friends. "Hey guys!" Mirae yelled, making the two boys both turn their attention towards us.

One boy who was seated near the edge with a big smile on his face waved over at us, while the other  who looked just a tid bit paler than the other sat still with a subtle grin. They both looked fairly handsome if I'm being honest but whatever.

"Who's this?" The pale one of the two asks when Mirae and I got closer.

"Guys, this is my friend Bora, she's just transferred from her old school in Daegu" Mirae explained as we took our seats in front of the two, her facing the kind looking one, not to say the other guy didn't look kind but you know.

"Well it's nice to meet you Bora, My name is Hoseok but you can call me Hobi" The guy said, and then suddenly pointed to his friend next to him, "By the way, before you guys came over here, my friend Yoongi over here he was just telling me how he thought you were cute-"

I didn't get a chance to react before seeing the Hoseok guy yelp in pain and getting elbowed square in his ribs.

"Don't mind him, I didn't say that shit" The guy Yoongi  I believe clarifies, making me feel low key kinda insulted for some reason.

"Yeah no worries I guess...." I just laughed off the minor incident.

A few had passed from then and it finally my favourite part of school. Me leaving.

I hurriedly packed my bag and walked out of the school and walked towards the front gate. I didn't have to look for very long when I saw him. A subtle grin on his face as his back pressed up against his car waiting for me as I walked past the school's threshold.

I walked up to him. "Is this gonna be an everyday thing?"

"What... Me picking you up?" He asks when reaching his hand out to place it on shoulder.

"Yeah" I said as he then pushed my bag strap from my shoulder while his other hand did the same on to my other side. Before I knew it he had my backpack in his hands.

"Get in" Not answering the question, Namjoon just points to the car.

I do nothing else and obey.

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