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I woke up earlier than usual. I was on my side just staring mindlessly at the walls.

When I feel Namjoon snuggle his chest into my back, matched with a tiny yawn, I as well yawn too. He softly glides his fingertips over my hips for a while till he suddenly reaches his hand down over my stomach and my body goes stiff.

I lay there still as he started to rub my belly. The tense feeling very quickly disappeared as he continued his light strokes back and forth. The lulling of his breath against the back of my neck made me feel especially more relaxed.

"I had an interesting dream last night" I mumbled quietly in my dreadfully croaky morning voice.

I slightly arch my back and press against him. His dick is almost fully hard against my ass. Obviously morning wood.

Namjoon's breath catches as he gasps, then sighs.

I feel his warm breath through my hair as he nuzzles my neck, working his way toward my ear. His teeth scrape the lobe gently, "What was it about?" He whispered and my stomach flushed and clenched.

"It was about life and our future," I replied.

"That's intense dreaming" He simply said as he continued to rub my belly. In return I just hummed.

"Was the baby part of our future in your dream?" Namjoon suddenly asked, breaking the weird and unspoken rule we had of talking about the pregnancy.

We have yet to talk about it. Ever since I came home the other day from the hospital.

"Yeah it was..." I muttered, feeling a bit of hesitation to answer.

What if he doesn't want the baby? Especially with the fact that my mom is also pregnant, it could be too much for him.

Namjoon doesn't say anything for a while when he then reaches his hand out, grabbing my hand to place it over my belly while his hand securely enveloped mine. "I know we haven't been together long but I will prove myself to you that I can be a good father. I will make sure to love you and our baby with all of my heart for the rest of my life"

My heart swells just knowing how much he cares for me and the baby that isn't even here yet.

"I want us to be a family, I want to marry you" I hear him say in a rather low tone, almost whispering.

Straight away I turned my head to the side so that Namjoon and I were now facing each other. He always looks so good in the morning. "Are you being serious?" I asked him.

"Why wouldn't I be serious?" He curtly replied and I couldn't help but smile. He really wants us to get married.
"You're still married to my mother," I remind him.

His expression doesn't really change, just simply looking into my eyes. "I know that, is your answer no though?" He says, sounding a bit deflated.

"Would you even be asking me this if I wasn't pregnant?" I deflected his question.

I shift my body just a little bit. I feel his dick twitch, causing him to groan at the slightest of movement. The grip over my hand tenses as he also moves his body closer to me, he was practically in between my cheeks at this point.

"Maybe not at this moment but I definitely would have" Namjoon says with all sincerity as he places a kiss on my cheek.

He placed a series of gentle kisses on my cheek, gradually kissing my way down one side of my neck. I let out a soft giggle as he continued. I do want to marry him, it's just hard to wrap my head around how fast everything is moving when I literally just found out I was pregnant not too long ago. I just need some time to process because it just feels so rushed, especially when he doesn't even have a ring.

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