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Mom still hasn't come home yet.

I'm not gonna act like I don't like being alone with Namjoon. However at the end of the day she is still my mom and I miss her.

I mean she could at least text me back to see if I was okay, she just doesn't care I guess.

I looked to my side as Namjoon. His fingers delicately touch the ends of my dry curls, his eyes marvel in awe every time they bounced up and down like a slinky toy. I didn't bother straightening my hair after our shower together this morning for some reason and now he's just playing in my hair.

"I wanna see you wear your hair curly more, it looks so pretty on you" Namjoon declared. I couldn't help but smile at his appreciation of my hair.

"Mmm.. maybe, I don't know" I shrugged nonchalantly.

He frowns. "No.." Namjoon suddenly launches forward and tackles me. I was on my back giggling as he held me down, gazing seriously in my eyes. "Say yes.." He looks so serious right now but still it's so funny.

"Okay fine, I'll wear it curly but only for you" I say still laughing and he immediately smiles in agreement.

"Good.." He says before leaning in to kiss me gently.

I savored his taste. Both our mouths moved, slow and gentle, exploring each other carefully, hesitantly. His hand moved to hold the sides of my head and neck, under her chin, pulling me as tenderly as I could.

When we separated, he looked deep into my eyes.

My chest was heavy as I exhaled to regain my breath. "Namjoon.." I whisper his name.

"Yes baby?" His deep voice was music to my ears. He leaned forward to brush his nose against mine. My chest flutters harshly in my chest when he kisses me again with a few light pecks.

"Did mom ever tell you where she went last night?" I mumbled against his lips.

After I said that he abruptly stopped mid kiss to look at me with a sort of incredulous look. I instantly felt a sense of cringe in myself now realizing it wasn't exactly the best time to bring her up.

"Sorry for bringing her up.." I muttered.

Namjoon simply laughs when leaning back to sit on the couch in his previous position. "It's fine, but no. She never told me where she went"

I also sat up and moved a little closer to Namjoon. I could see in his face that he was a bit tense from the mention of my mother. Does he really hate her that much now?

"Were you serious last night... about the divorce?" I say letting my curiosity take wing.

He sat back on the couch, to sit more comfortably when looking directly at me. "I meant it Bora, I have no desire to be with your mother anymore" He clarifies.

It didn't know what else to say exactly to that. Deep down I was happy to hear it, but I didn't wanna get my hopes up too soon. I wish I could just ask him why he does all of it but he probably won't give me the answer to that right now.

"So when you two are no longer together, where would that leave us?" I say breaking the brief silence.

"Well you'll of course stay with me" He replied.

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