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For a moment, his touch lingered as the darkness of my dream melted into my head and I slowly began to return to my bodily senses.

That's right. I was in school, in my math class specifically right now.

I looked up at the clock on the wall, it read that it was twelve p.m in the afternoon. Looking around, I then noticed that most of the students were gone and my teacher was looking directly at me from across the room. I quickly get up from my seat and collect my books to place in my bag. "Sorry, I didn't get a chance to sleep last night, it won't happen again" I frantically pulled on my bag as my stuff was all put away.

I walked to the door to leave when the teacher suddenly called my name, making me stop and turn around.

"Everything is alright at home?" Ms.Park asked suddenly, and the atmosphere went relatively quiet as I just stared at her. "You have been falling asleep in class this week and that's not like you Bora" She pressed further and my faint smile that was on my lips inevitably falters.

These days I can hardly sleep.

At night I would just lay in my bed just thinking about when the exact moment was when everything in my life turned. Despite having chronic sleep deprivation I make myself smile reassuringly as if everything is okay. "I'm doing just fine Ms.Park"

Shortly thereafter, I left the classroom and headed to the school's main exit.

I just continued to walk down the road to the nearby park. I traveled aimlessly, my hands shoved deep into the pockets of my coat, the collar turned up against the biting wind. I began to notice the beauty of my surroundings, the way the sun was setting, casting a warm glow over everything, the way the leaves on the trees danced in the breeze, the way the birds sang their sweet melodies.

I couldn't shake off the feeling of sadness and loneliness that had consumed me. The memories of the past events flooded my mind and my heart felt heavy with each step, and I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of sadness. I found myself a quiet spot to sit and take in my surroundings. The sound of the leaves rustling in the wind and the birds chirping overhead was a comforting distraction.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing thoughts when my eyes caught the glance of Yoongi randomly walking in my direction.

He was just in his own little world until he noticed me here. He slowed down, almost stopping when he saw me stand up. I swallowed and took note of the tight line of his jaw the closer he came. He honestly doesn't look happy to see me.

"What are you doing here?" Yoongi said before I could say hello to him.

What kind of question is that? "Umm.. I was just sitting" I said, keeping a close watch on his expression. I drew a steadying breath and glanced down at my feet, shifting an errant pebble with the toe of my sandal.

"Can we talk?" I asked, meeting his gaze again.

"What for?" He questioned.

I hadn't expected him to make this easy on me. The idea that he might turn away completely without even giving me a chance had desperation building inside me. "Five minutes," I said. "Please."

He closed his eyes and tipped his head back, letting out a world weary sigh. "Five minutes,"

I nod graciously and led him to a bench to sit. "How come you haven't been coming to school?" I ask first as a way to lighten the mood a bit.

He shrugged. "I don't know, I didn't feel like going after what happened at the party" My grip anxiously tightened around my phone almost instantly when hearing him mention the party. So much happened last night and that was definitely one of the many things that I didn't ever want to think about again but unfortunately I couldn't get away from it.


"Just tell me why?" Yoongi interrupted.

My brows furrowed ever so slightly. "Why what?" I asked, playing coy as if I had no idea as to what he was asking me.

"Why him?" He explained further.

I shifted my body back and faintly sighed. "I don't know, I was going through something. I just wanted to get drunk and feel something and I didn't care who it was with"

He scoffed. "Right, so instead of not being a whore and just having fun with me at my party you try to get fucked by my bother of all people"

My eyes widen as I was just slightly surprised by him randomly calling me a whore.

For the sake of trying to be civil, I look past it. "What can I do to get us past this?" I ask genuinely trying to make things right. Yoongi just looked at me for a moment as he took time to think. I relished the silence between us two. There I sat awkwardly looking around to see a few people passing by starting to look in our direction. He shook his head, watching me long enough to have me squirming under the weight of his stare.

Just when I'd decided he'd had enough of my company, he scrubbed a hand down his face and blew out a long breath. "I want to talk with your producer Joon"

I look at him a bit confused. "With who?"

"Your step dad" Yoongi clarified and my mouth almost went agape to the request.

Namjoon and I haven't spoken in two weeks.

I haven't been ignoring him. I just haven't found it within myself to actually deal and how to feel and I don't particularly think I will be anytime soon. "Oh.. I-Uh.. Namjoon is pretty busy these days-" I stop myself from continuing as I see Yoongi suddenly stand up from his seat beside me.

However before he could walk off I grabbed his arm to stop him. "Yoongi wait, I can do it" I continued saying and almost immediately Yoongi sat back down.

"Are you sure?" He asks with a faint smile appearing on his lips.

"Yes, I can get him to talk to you"

Yoongi's smile only gets wider upon hearing me affirm his request of getting to talk to someone he obviously admires.

While his joy was fun to witness on its own I couldn't help but feel a turning sensation in my tummy upon realizing that I'm going to have to talk with Namjoon. I still feel an indescribable sense of emotions knowing what he did and I just don't know what he can say that would change that feeling.

"Thank you.." Was all Yoongi said before getting up and walking away leaving to my thoughts.

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