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I did a little spin around. I giggled happily when seeing just how big and spacious it was.

The is currently only a bed and the walls are just a plain white but honestly I can't wait to decorate it in here. Maybe I could even paint a mural on one wall.

Just as I was about to sit on my bed, I then head a voice. "Hello there Miss Bora" An unfamiliar female voiced, making me slightly jump.

I turned to face the door. There I saw an older woman just there in the doorway, in a clear maids uniform with one of my suitcases in her hand. "Mr.Kim has instructed me to unpack for you dear, may I enter?" she asked politely and I stood still for a moment.

"Uh... sure" I nod my head. She bows.

"So Unnie, has Namjoon ever tried to.. you know?" I joked as she walked into my room to set down my suitcase. She doesn't respond right away as she thinks in her head. Maybe she didn't understand what I meant.

"Every try to what?" She asks as her brows furrowed in confusion. She didn't understand.

"You know, come onto you?" I clarified. Just barley whispering to make sure nobody could really hear me, just in case.

She then laughs. "No Miss Bora I can't say that he has, why?" She stated seriously and I take her on her word.

"Nothing, It's just that I've read stories about how the maid be getting together with her boss, sucking and all over the h-" I stop myself from continuing on when suddenly seeing the dramatically horrified look on the maids face as heard my rambling.

I stand there, awkwardly reaching to rub the back of my neck. I nervous laugh falls from my lips. "You know, I'm a bit thirsty so I'm gonna go and get some water" I say and quickly bolted out my room.

Great. She definitely gonna think I need some Jesus after this conversation.

I walk down the hallway and what do you know, I don't even take a step before seeing Namjoon just a few feet on the opposite end walking in the direction I was going in. He was quick to notice me, and as soon as he did A smile that showcased his dimples appears on his face.

"Hey, I was coming to find you, baby" Namjoon says causally.

I look at him for a moment, my eyes widened slightly in surprise. "Did you just call me baby?" I pointed out to him trying to make sure I heard him right and he nods his head yes.

"Yeah, what's the matter, don't like it?" he says and I tilted my head slightly as my brows furrowed. He must be joking surely.

"My name is Bora'' I said, trying to respectfully imply that I kinda don't want him to call me that.

He just smiled. Weird.

"Okay, well I was just actually coming to ask you if you would like me to give you a tour of the house" Namjoon asks.

I dont put much thought into and just say yes. "Umm... okay"

A few minutes later Namjoon was now showing me around his place. He showed me the other rooms that were all basically empty. This house could literally be a mini dorm with the amount of empty bedrooms.

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