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"Kim Bora.." The nurse called out my name.

Namjoon follows directly behind me as the nurse guides us to a little empty room.

I lay down on the hard cushioned bed, the crinkle of the paper underneath rattled as I adjusted myself and lifted my shirt up to just blow my bra.

The doctor put some kind of gel on my stomach and I winced just slightly at the cold feeling. "It's a bit cold.." She explained after the fact and then placed the transducer right in front of me. She presses it fairly harsh against my belly leaving me to groan in slight discomfort.

Just then I feel the warm touch of Namjoon's hand and I immediately feel at ease.

As she moved the wand across my belly, I kept my eyes focused on the computer in front of us. The sound of the machine made my heartbeat fasten as I closely focused on the black and white screen, trying to see if I could see my baby. I had no idea what I was even looking for, there was nothing being shown. The doctor did say it could take awhile to see them, especially since I'm not far along so it's probably super tiny.

After about a few minutes the doctor suddenly points at the screen. "There it is, right there" I looked carefully as the baby popped up on the screen, our baby.

As soon as I heard the heartbeat there was no time wasted before tears began falling down my cheeks. Their heartbeat was a lot faster than I was expecting but it just sounded so beautiful, and just perfect.

"Namjoon do you hear, do you see?" I mumbled in between a sniffle as I turned to him and I gulped in surprise. He was also crying.

It was faint but I could see he had tears falling down as he stared at the screen in awe. Seeing him like that made me cry even more. Namjoon's eyes took a moment to look down at me, his other hand that wasn't already holding mine reached to wipe away my tears. "She's beautiful.." He says with a smile. I take notice of him calling the baby a girl.

I turn back to look at the screen again. The little body was the size of a big bean, just barely even recognizable as a baby but it was close enough.

"Is it too early to find out the gender?" I inquired.

The doctor moved the transducer just a bit to get a better picture of the baby. "It seems like you're just about seven-ish weeks along so we can't right now. We usually figure that out within the nineteenth week"

"Umm... What's seven weeks in months?" I timidly ask and the doctor lets out a little chuckle. "Sorry if I sound dumb for asking-"

"It's okay you're not dumb, alot of new mothers ask this. You're just about two months" The doctor responded and my eyes widened. Straight away I looked over at Namjoon and saw he looked just as shocked.

How was I pregnant for that long and had no idea.

We continued to look at our baby on the screen. Hearing the calming sound of their heart beating made it all that much more awestruck. The doctor then printed out pictures and handed them to us before turning off the machine and cleaning up the gel on my belly.

Eventually she left the room just leaving the two of us for a brief moment. Namjoon immediately wrapped his arms around my waist to engulf me into a hug.

"I love you" He mumbled as he leaned back while holding me, breathing soundly and staring softly into my eyes.

I can't help but smile bright and coy. "I love you too"

At that moment, I became absorbed in his scent, in his presence when he grabbed the back of my head quickly and pulled me in for a kiss. "I love you more" He says against my lips again making me smile more. This is the man who's gonna be the father of my child and I couldn't have asked for a better man.

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