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I quietly stood next to my mother.

She squeezed firmly onto my hand as her eyes gazed straight ahead. Looking fondly at the man just a few inches from us.

We took slow steps, letting the anticipation build with each second.

The fairly low classical emitting from my phone on my free hand played, was basically the only thing that could be heard in the quiet courthouse room.

Not even gonna lie, it was kinda awkward walking my grown mother down the aisle. I mean, don't get me wrong I was honored but it's not like she had anyone else. I'm her only child and both my grandparents are unfortunately dead.

I still can't believe she's only known this man for a few months and is already marrying him.

Apparently they met when she was vacationing in the United States.

This is literally the first time I'm meeting him in person, which makes this even more crazy. I look over to catch a glimpse of the man she's marrying right now. Honestly I could understand why she's rushing this, he is a rather good looking guy.

His eyes were on her. A little twinkle flared in his eyes as we came closer, and It was sweet seeing him look at my mom like that.

"Cute" I say to myself, not really intending for that to be heard, making him suddenly turn to look at me.

He spares a second to glance my way with a smile.

Our gazes linger on for a brief second. I couldn't help but smile when I noticed he had dimples. Just then he then turns to my mother again, reaching his hand out to grab her hands.

"You look beautiful" He says to her sweetly. His dimples yet again on display.

She giggles in excitement. "I know..."

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