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~ ❦ ~

Namjoon POV:

Laying on my back facing the ceiling.

I sigh as I stretch my arms out on my bed feeling a sense of emptiness. Bora didn't sleep by my side last night.

I was bored when I picked up my phone to mindlessly play a stupid game. I was desperately trying to forget the song that still has yet to be written despite an alarmingly rapidly approaching deadline, the pile of music that I have to go through that I have barely touched and work that I really should get to.

My eyes light up as my ringtone suddenly goes off.

I glance at the caller ID to see who it was, it's him. I take a few deep breaths to get ready for the crap I'm about to hear before answering the phone.

"She wants the house" Was the first thing he said.

I shook off my remaining tiredness and sat up on the bed. "Which one does she want?"

"The one in Anyang..." He said.

"Son of a bitch" I mumbled under my breath.

"I know.. but she said that she's not even gonna consider signing unless she's guaranteed it"

With all this money I'm gonna give her I can't believe that she still wants my house. That's like my second home whenever I want a break from Seoul. I don't understand why she can't just buy a house for herself, I'm already gonna be giving her alimony so it's not like she couldn't afford it.

The clearing of his throat interrupted my thoughts. "So what are you gonna do?"

I sighed. "Just give it to her, what else does she want?" I asked and I could hear him take a nervous breath.

"Ten million won a month for child support" He says and I leaned forward, reaching to pinch the bridge of my nose at such a ridiculous request. The number isn't even an issue but just the fact that the baby isn't even here and she's asking for that.

"Tell her lawyer that I'm not giving her any money for that child until it's born and I can prove I'm the father"

"Okay, well that's about it for now" He simply says.

After that it remains silent for a few seconds. I was just about to open my mouth to say goodbye when my lawyer suddenly opened his mouth again to speak. "So how's it going with your step daughter slash girlfriend?" He asks curiously.

I pause for a second in surprise when hearing her being referred to like that. "Please don't call her that, Songhe"

"What? I mean is that not what she is?" He responded and I sighed in frustration.

I really don't feel like going back and forth and correcting him on this because ultimately he was right. At least legally speaking, Bora is my step daughter and girlfriend. Honestly it is kinda weird just thinking about it but soon enough she'll just be my girlfriend and maybe even more in the future.

"Things are fine, she's sick right now actually. Yesterday I picked her up from school and she slept all day" I answered his question from before.

"That's tough man, well I hope she gets better" Songhe says sincerely and I faintly smile.

"Thanks... Umm.. well I have to get going" I say as I stand up from my bed.

I slowly move my phone away from my ear when I hear Songhe's voice again. "Hey buddy, before you go I just wanted to say I'm sorry you're going through all this, divorce isn't easy"

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