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~ ❦ ~

A week had passed.

Namjoon and I hadn't acknowledged the very awkward situation we shared together.

He didn't act any different, he didn't even look at me differently. It was as if nothing happened for him and it was honestly kinda weird just how unaffected he was.

Nothing really happened, we didn't even kiss and yet I still think about how close I was to doing it. Just how much I just wanted to feel his lips on mine at that moment. It's wrong that these thoughts have even crossed my mind, but it's just a small crush or something. It'll go away soon I'm sure.

The sound of the loud bell bringing me out of my thoughts and into the classroom I was currently in.

"Have a good weekend everyone, class dismissed" Mr. Kim, my science teacher announced, and I quickly gathered my books to shove into my bag.

This was my second to last class, and the next class I had would be my final for the day. It was Friday and I couldn't wait to go home and just do, well nothing. I just want to be cuddled up under my covers, watching my favorite show.

"Hey Bora, wait up!" Mirae called just as I made it past the door of the science room and into the hallway.

"Hey, what up?" I slowed down a bit when turning to chat my friend. Even though we were already talking continuously throughout the class anyway.

"I just got a text from Yoongi saying there's a party this weekend at his house?"

"Yeah I know, he mentioned it yesterday" I say when turning a corner in the hallway.

"He told you before me?" She asked looking at me with a raised brow and a playful little smirk on her lips. Considering the fact that they've been friends for longer than I've been in Seoul I guess it is kinda weird but we were just chatting when he brought it up. It's not like he told me first because I'm special or anything.

I rolled my eyes. "It's not like that okay " I say and she doesn't say anything back and just shrugged when as she giggles.

"Anyways, you going?" She wiggled her brows as we entered our other class we shared together.

I go to my desk and I set down my bag. "I don't know if I should"

"What, why not?" She ask sounding kinda surprised.

"I don't do well at parties" I never really like the idea of parties. All parties ever was just loud music, alcohol and drugs sex. I drank a few times and didn't enjoy it, I also regrettably tried drugs once but never again, and as far as sex, I've never had it I don't intend on losing it at a party so what really be the point of me going.

"Come on, it'll be fun. Plus Yoongi will miss you if you don't go" He tried to persuade me as she pouted her bottom lip out a tiny bit making me furrow my brows in slight confusion at her mention of Yoongi.

I mean Yoongi is my friend and all but why would she specifically mention Yoongi would miss me when we have a whole four person friend group.

"And I care about that because?" I say bluntly making Mirae sigh in frustration.

"Bora come on, you and I both know you think he's cute"

I'd be lying if I said I didn't think he was cute but I'm just not interested in him in that way and I'm pretty sure he feels the same. I remember when we first met and how he made it clear he didn't think I was cute.

"Yoongi and I are just friends..." I say clearly to Mirae making her scoff as if she didn't believe me or something.

"Fine whatever, forget about Yoongi but just come at least so I won't be alone, please" She pleaded with both hands together, she even did the puppy eyes which had me rolling mine.

I don't wanna go but at the same time I don't want her to be alone. Sure Hoseok and Yoongi will be there too but there dude's, it's different being able to have a girl friend with you especially at teenage parties.

I sighed. "Fine, I'll g-"

Not being able to finish my sentence, Mirae practically jumped up from her seat, tackling me into a hug.

"Miss Mirae, class has started" Ms. Bom spoke across the room making the both of us look at her. She had her hands on her hips, eyes glaring at the both of us as we disturbed her class.

I ignore the various eyes now placed on the two of us when slightly nudging Mirae to stop hugging me.

"Sorry Ms. Bom.." Mirae apologizes when getting of me to take her seat that was next to me.

~ ❦ ~

Picking up my phone to face at my close to modest variance of clothing lined up in my closet.

Mirae on the other end almost shrieks when seeing viewing it for the first time. We were on FaceTime currently, I needed her input on what I should wear so she had the good idea of virtually bringing me to her closet to show her what I'm working with.

"Your closet is so big, I really need to come over to your house and explore" She said more as a demand than a request.

I laugh when putting the phone back on my face to see her goofy roller in her front bang.

"You can come over next week, now help me pick something" I say making her smile excitedly.  She definitely wanted to raid my closet.

"Okay firstly, do you have anything short and tight?" Mirae says trying to get a bit serious and I nod my head.

"Yeah.. I think I have a dress like that" I say as I reach to move a few hangers when I see my little red dress hanging.

I pull it out with the hanger with the dress on it and show it to Mirae. It was a red halter dress. The neck line was plunging and the back was completely out till it reached my hips, it was honestly the sexiest dress I owned. So sexy that I've never actually even worn it outside my house.

"Oh my god yes, that looks so sexy, wear that!" Mirae yelled in fever as she had really liked the dress I had showed her.

"Isn't this a little much?" I ask curiously as I wasn't quite sure about it just yet.

She shakes her head. "Trust me Bora when I tell you, Yoongi won't be able to take his eyes off you if you show up in that tonight"

"Mirae..." I call her name sounding a bit annoyed at the mention of Yoongi making her laugh in amusement.

"Alright, I won't bring him up again"

Mirae then got up to show me the dress she was wearing. It was a sleeveless pink dress, with a turtleneck, a circle cut out on her chest as well as on the sides. It was was shorter than mine to be honest but it was cute, she could definitely pull it off.

A few minutes had gone by till we finally said goodbye so we could get ready for the party.

I took a quick shower to freshen up a bit from being at school all day. After getting dry I only put on my panties being that my dress was backless and I didn't want my bra to be seen. I don't really care if my boobs look saggy, that's just a natural part of having breast and if someone has a problem who cares.

I then grabbed my dress that I had placed on my bed before and slip it onto my body. I do my makeup and lastly I strapped on my little red three inch matching red heels.

Checking my phone one last time I see a text from Mirae, Hoseok and Yoongi in the group chat telling me they can't wait to see me.

Yoongi asked if I needed a ride there and generously offered to pick me up but I declined saying I'll just get a cab.

I open my door and walk down the hallway only to stop when hearing a voice behind me.

~ ❦ ~

Get ready for next chapter, it's gonna be interesting.

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